Surrey Schools celebrates Indigenous grads with honouring ceremony
The district hosted its annual Indigenous honouring ceremony, celebrating nearly 130 Indigenous graduates on their academic success. The ceremony began more than 20 years ago and recognizes the Indigenous culture, history and background of students from across the district. (Photos via Annie Ohana)
Earlier this month, the district recognized the 2024 graduating class of Indigenous students at this year’s Indigenous honouring ceremony, highlighting the academic achievements and culture of Indigenous Grade 12 students as they finish their time with Surrey Schools.
The annual ceremony, which began more than 20 years ago, saw a record number of students attend, with nearly 130 grads turning out to be honoured.
“It was one of our best years,” said Lyn Daniels, Director of Instruction with the Indigenous Learning department. “We wanted to focus on having the grads spending time enjoying a nice meal with their families and people from the school who supported them in their success.”
While the district resides on the traditional, unceded and shared territories of Coast Salish peoples – the Katzie, Kwantlen and Semiahmoo First Nations – Daniels noted many of the Indigenous graduates were from different First Nations from all over the country, and district staff worked to represent each of them in the ceremony.
“We announced the First Nation or Indigenous group that each grad belongs to,” she said. “The hall was filled with all the names of these diverse First Nations from across Canada. It just felt so inclusive.
“We have Indigenous child and youth care workers in almost all the schools with Indigenous learners – they get to know the students and their families, and they were the ones to announce their names at the ceremony.”
Daniels said staff decorated the venue with west coast carving and art, posts, masks and pillars, creating a longhouse-style environment for families to take photographs in. The ceremony also included welcomes from Semiahmoo Chief Harley Chappell and Katzie Coun. David Kenworthy, as well as music and a welcome song by a Katzie drumming group.
“Harley talked about how, as a chief of one of the local First Nations, he feels a responsibility to the urban Indigenous People to share his knowledge and perspectives in terms of what it means to live on this Coast Salish territory and to welcome the other Indigenous People here,” said Daniels.
Congratulations to all our Indigenous graduates! We honour you!