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Covid 19 Communications

Click to view more 2021-2022 Communications

March 24 letter from Supt. Mark Pearmain re: changes to provincial COVID-19 guidance for K-12 schools

Jan. 18 - Video update from Supt. Jordan Tinney re: functional closures, rapid tests & the most recent public health order regarding staff proof of vaccination (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; Chinese; Arabic)

Jan 14 - Letter from Frazer Health Medical Health officer re: attendance and January return to in-person schooling
Jan. 7 - Letter from Fraser Health Medical Health Officer re: students' return to school after winter break
Dec. 30 - Supt. Jordan Tinney shares a video update on the delay of school start following winter break (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Sept. 13 - Surrey Schools Q&A with Fraser Health's Dr. Ariella Zbar
(Transcripts: English; Punjabi; Chinese; Arabic)   
Sept. 1 - Supt. Jordan Tinney shares an update on what parents, students & staff can expect for the 2021-22 school year
(Transcripts: English; Punjabi; Chinese; Arabic

Click to view 2020-2021 Communications

June 21 - Supt. Jordan Tinney details what to expect in September & thanks parents, students & staff for patience and understanding during past year (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
May 17 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides a short update on reduced COVID-19 cases in the district & what to expect re: student vaccinations (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
May 11 - Supt. Jordan Tinney discusses staff vaccination results, test kits in schools, celebrating accomplishments & looking ahead (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
April 12 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides update on vaccinations, the importance of protocols & expresses gratitude (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
March 30 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides update on targeted measures & mask order in schools, as well as vaccinations for school-based staff  (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
March 14 - Targeted health and safety measures in Surrey schools (Transcript: English)
March 12 - Dr. Ariella Zbar answers frequently asked questions about COVID-19 in schools & variants of concern (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
March 1 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides an update on COVID-19 variant cases, safety procedures, and acknowledges the hard work of staff (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Feb. 8 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides an update on the province's new COVID-19 guidelines & what they mean, specifically regarding mask protocols (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Jan. 4 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides an update on COVID-19 cases in the district & reminds the community of measures necessary to reduce transmission (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Dec. 14 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides an update about what to expect in January & unveils our new Active Exposures Tracker (Transcripts: English, Punjabi, ChineseArabic)
Dec. 7 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides an update on changes to COVID-19 reporting protocols for schools (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Nov. 30 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides an update as we head into the final month of 2020 (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Nov. 23 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides a message specifically for parents & secondary students re: keeping schools safe and protecting the community (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Nov. 9 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides update re: new provincial health orders, what they're designed to do and what we know about schools & COVID-19 exposures (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Oct. 30 - Supt. Jordan Tinney provides an update re: the increase of COVID-19 in our community and efforts to keep schools open safely (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Oct. 18 video: Important reminder to the community and staff on COVID-19 cases in the district & safety measures in schools (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Oct. 13 video Q&A with Fraser Health's Dr. Ingrid Tyler (Trancripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Oct. 6 video of Parent Information Session Q&A (View the the transcript here)
Sept. 28 video: Update on COVID-19 cases in schools & reminder of case types (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Sept. 21 video: Update on COVID-19 cases in schools & reminder of processes (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; ChineseArabic)
Sept. 14 video: What to expect when there's a confirmed case of COVID-19 at a school (Transcripts: English; PunjabiChinese)
Sept. 8 video: Opening week of school! (Transcripts: English; PunjabiChinese)
Sept. 2 Options for Learning presentation
Aug. 31 video update re: additional back-to-school options (Transcripts: English; PunjabiChinese)
Aug. 25 video update re: fall return-to-school plans & parent survey (Transcripts: English; PunjabiChinese)
Aug. 18 message re: proposed plan for fall return to secondary schools (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; Chinese) A more detailed (22 minute) presentation is here:
August 12 message re: Surrey's back-to-school plan (Transcripts: English, PunjabiChinese)
July 30 message re: BC's return to school plan (Transcripts: English; Chinese; Punjabi)

Click to view 2019-2020 Communications

June 29 message from Supt. Jordan Tinney re: conclusion of 2019-20 school year (Transcripts: English; Chinese; Punjabi)   
June 17 video message to parents, student and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Chinese; Punjabi)   
June 8 virtual parent information event: Education in the midst of a pandemic (MS Teams recording)   
May 29 video message to parents, students and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Chinese; Punjabi)   
May 25 video message to parents, students and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English, Chinese, Punjabi)   
May 22 letter to parents from Supt. Jordan Tinney re: June 1 optional return to in-class instruction
May 15 video message to parents, student and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Chinese; Punjabi)   
May 8 video message to parents, students and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Chinese; Punjabi)   
May 4 video message to parents, students and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Chinese; Punjabi)   
April 27 video message to parents, students and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; Chinese)   
April 20 video message to parents, students and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; Chinese)   
April 14 video message to parents, students and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Punjabi; Chinese)   
April 3 video message to parents, students and staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: English; Chinese; Punjabi)   
March 27 video message to staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney (transcript)   
March 27 video message to parents & students regarding return from spring break (Transcripts: English; Simplified Chinese; Traditional Chinese; Punjabi)   
March 25 video message to district staff from Supt. Jordan Tinney
March 23 video message to Grade 12 students from Supt. Jordan Tinney (Transcripts: Simplified Chinese; Traditional Chinese; Punjabi)

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