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Surrey Schools taking part in this year's virtual Vancouver Pride Parade

Vancouver Pride 2020 - SD36 from Surrey Schools on Vimeo.

Surrey Schools will be showing its pride in the Vancouver Pride Parade on Sunday, Aug. 2 - only this time, it will all be held virtually.

"This year marks the first time we have participated in Vancouver Pride, one of the largest Pride events in the world and the oldest in Canada," said Rachel Friederich, Inclusive Practices Helping Teacher, noting the district has participated in Surrey Pride for many years.

With this year's parade being held virtually, the district has prepared a brief video (above) showcasing its efforts to promote inclusion and a sense of belonging among LGBTQ+ youth. The video features photos from the districtwide Pride Prom (going into its fourth year), the rainbow crossing between the District Education Centre (DEC) and Resource & Education Centre (REC), and staff and students celebrating and supporting Pride.

Friederich said the district has taken big steps toward welcoming and accepting LGBTQ+ youth with the implementation of the Safe and Caring Schools policy, staff training on gender identity development and gender-affirming approaches, awareness campaigns and accessible gender-neutral washrooms and changerooms.

"We have an inclusive school policy, regular training in SOGI-inclusive language, practices and atmosphere," she said, "(as well as) teams of teachers who meet regularly and work together to make their schools SOGI-inclusive. We celebrate Pink Shirt Day, Day of Pink and the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia."

For more information on the district's Safe and Caring Schools policies and regulations, click here.

You can watch the Aug. 2 live stream of the Vancouver Pride Parade beginning at 1 p.m. HERE

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