Procedure 8800.5 - Re-Use & Disposal of Learning Resources
1. | REUSE & DISPOSAL OF LEARNING RESOURCE1.1. | School District No. 36 (Surrey) has need to dispose of learning and library- learning commons materials when these resources are damaged, redundant or no longer of instructional value. Learning resources are defined as materials that support students in their development of big ideas, curricular competencies, and core competencies as outlined in BC curriculum. This includes, but is not limited to, print and non-print materials, video, audio and other materials as defined in Procedure #8800.1 - Learning and Library Commons Resources: Definition and Selection.
| 1.2. | The Director of Instruction responsible for learning resources will decide the final disposition of the learning resources. The Manager of Service Operations will arrange for disposal.
a) | Learning resource collections should be regularly weeded to maintain the value and relevancy of materials and to ensure space and equipment are used effectively and efficiently. Weeding/Retention is the responsibility of the Principal, Vice-Principal, Teacher-Librarian and/or designates.
| b) | Criteria includes, but is not limited to the following:
i. | Does the learning resource reflect our diverse population?
| ii. | Does it represent the perspectives and worldviews of racialized and historically marginalized groups of people in positions of strength, power and/or resiliency?
| iii. | Does it challenge colonialism, dominant or patriarchal world views?
| iv. | Does it contain racial or homophobic slurs that may be traumatic for students, impact their wellbeing, or deter them from engaging in learning experiences?
| v.
| Is the resource relevant and accessible to learners?
| vi. | Is the information still current? Is there a newer edition available?
| vii. | Is the item still in good physical condition?
| viii. | Has the item circulated in the past two or three years?
| ix.
| Are more suitable media formats available?
| x. | Is there a copyright violation (e.g., expired public performance or reproduction rights, illegal photocopies, and pirated software)?
| xi. | Should the item be retained as archival material and identified accordingly?
| xii. | Should the item be retained as it is locally developed material with historical significance?
| c) | Learning resources are the property of the school district and may not be sold or exchanged without the prior approval of the school principal/vice- principal. Learning resources must only be sold using a district preferred reseller. All recoveries should be remitted to Learning Resources Services as per Procedure #8800.4 – Care of Learning Resources.
| 2.2. | Redundant and Damaged Resources
a) | Redundant and damaged resources should be disposed of on site on a regular basis as non-recyclable materials.
| 2.3. | Re-use
a) | Materials not required by a school, but still relevant to others, may be made available to Surrey teachers, students, other schools, and external groups or businesses provided it is economically feasible and does not violate copyright laws.
| b) | Resources made available are offered on the condition that they are not identified as current Surrey Schools’ property and staff are not in a conflict giving to the receiving group. Priority will be given to local organizations.
| 2.4. | Sell
a) | Learning resources that cannot be reused by Surrey schools may be offered for sale using district preferred resellers.
| 2.5. | Disposal
a) | Learning resources that cannot be re-used by Surrey schools or not-for- profit groups, or be sold through an approved reseller, shall be disposed of following cost effective and environmentally responsible procedures.
4. | AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY4.1. | Surrey Board of Education | 4.2. | Superintendent of Schools
| 4.. 3 | Director of Instruction, Education Services: Priority Practices
5. | HISTORYRevised:
| 2023-12-13 2016-06-03 2012-04-24
| Approved:
| 2007-06-28