Procedure 8800.4 - Care of Learning Resources
1. | MANAGEMENT OF LEARNING RESOURCES1.1. | The intent of this procedure is to ensure a common and well understood approach regarding the care of learning resources, including the levying of charges against those who lose or damage these resources and the collection and refund of textbook deposits.
2. | DISTRIBUTION AND RETURN OF RESOURCES2.1. | Schools must establish and maintain procedures for the distribution and return of learning and library resources. |
3. | COLLECTION AND REMITTANCE OF CHARGES3.1. | Schools are expected to establish and maintain procedures for dealing with lost or damaged learning and library resources. Such procedures should also provide for the collection of outstanding debts and refunding of textbook deposits where circumstances warrant. | 3.2. | Principals and vice-principal’s may, at their discretion, reduce or waive charges for lost or damaged learning and library resources and textbook deposits.
a) | A receipt must be issued upon payment or receipt of a charge or deposit. A copy of the receipt must be retained with the school’s financial records for audit purposes.
| b) | Cost recoveries for learning and library resources are to be remitted to Learning Resources Services via cheque payable to School District #36 (Surrey) marked “Cost Recovery – Learning/Library Resources.” Learning Resources Services will credit the school’s Learning Resource/Library account with the amount remitted and forward the cheque to the Finance Department.
| c) | All recoveries, for lost or damaged learning and library resources, should be remitted to Learning Resources at the end of each month, unless under $10.00, and at June 30th regardless of the amount.
| d) | Textbook deposits not refunded to students should be remitted to Learning Resources on June 30th regardless of the amount.
5. | AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY5.1. | Superintendent of Schools | 5.2. | Director of Instruction, Education Services: Priority Practices |
6. | HISTORYRevised:
| 2023-12-13
| Approved:
| 2007-06-28