3.1. | No advertising is allowed on district websites. |
3.2. | A prepared statement regarding copyright materials, links to external sites, and purpose of site must be included where appropriate. |
3.3. | Only material for which the site has copyright permission may be posted. |
3.4. | No matter who develops the website, the site manager makes the final decision about what is appropriate to post. |
3.5. | Include banners and headings to inform the user who is providing the information; in most cases this will include the name of the site. |
3.6. | Include a link back to the “home page” or another appropriate page: the link should indicate the actual destination rather than reading simply “home”. |
3.7. | Student work is clearly identified as such. |
3.8. | Student work has been reviewed prior to publication:
a) | For potential libel and slander. | b) | For appropriateness. | c) | For conformity with Policy #8620 and Regulation #8620.1:Student Creative Works and Performances. |
3.9. | Information is accurate and grammatically correct. |
3.10. | Pages are marked with ‘last update’ information. |
3.11. | Permission from the author has been obtained to use their work posted on the web. |
3.12. | Identifiable photographs of secondary or elementary students comply with district policy for release. |
3.13. | Any photographs of staff comply with district policy for release. |
3.14. | Any work of student or staff is within the bounds of good taste and without objectionable language. |
3.15. | A school home page will include:
a) | School name, full street address and telephone number. | b) | Principal and vice-principal names. | c) | List of content of subsequent pages. | d) | Details at the bottom including specification of last update. | e) | Content information for difficulties in accessing the data. | f) | Author or supervising adult of the document (not a student) preferably with an e-mail address. |
3.16. | Suggested school topics and information:
a) | Link to Board home page | b) | Principal’s message | c) | Copyright and disclaimer note | d) | Staff list (with permission) | e) | School photo | f) | E-mail link to school | g) | School history | h) | School contacts | i) | School newsletters | j) | School calendar | k) | School logo and/or mascot | l) | Homework assignments, resources | m) | Student projects | n) | Links to external educational sites | o) | Photos of school (playground, gym, library) | p) | Team pictures (which comply with district policy) | q) | Descriptions of school activities (clubs, sports, the arts) |
3.17. | School newsletters, if posted to the web site, should comply with all content restrictions |
3.18. | The following should NOT be included:
a) | Any student’s address, phone number or e-mail address | b) | Any elementary student’s last name or photo unless written consent has been provided by a parent / guardian | c) | Any secondary student’s last name or photo unless consent has been provided by the student and parent / guardian | d) | Dated material where deadlines have passed | e) | Material without copyright permission on file. | f) | Material which might be considered libelous or slanderous. | g) | Any hotlinks to resources that are not of demonstrably educational Value to the user. |