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Links to Provincial and Federal Initiatives

We are pleased to offer you a few options for additional resources or supports as you proceed with the delivery of Respectful Futures.

Whether you wish to know more about a provincial campaign which encourages Aboriginal peoples to stand up against violence towards women and children (the Moose Hide Campaign) or to research the resources available to children who have witnessed violence, please check out the links provided.

The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General delivers and funds a comprehensive range of victim services and violence against women programs across the province:

  • Victim Service Programs provide emotional support, information, safety planning, referrals and practical assistance to victims of crime.
  • Children Who Witness Abuse Counselling programs provide individual and group counselling services for children aged 3 to 18 who have witnessed abuse, threats or violence in the home.
  • Stopping the Violence Counselling programs provide individual and group counselling services for women who have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence, or childhood abuse.
  • Outreach Service Providers help women identify and access the services they need by providing information and referrals, and accompaniment and transportation to other necessary services. Multicultural Outreach Services are provided in up to 24 languages to ensure women are assisted by people who speak their own language and are familiar with their culture.   
  • VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service available across B.C. and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-563-0808. It provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence.

To learn more about the additional services accessible throughout British Columbia, click HERE for a directory of programs offered by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

BC Society of Transition Houses – Violence is Preventable (VIP) Programs

Children Who Witness Abuse programs offer targeted support to children and youth who have been exposed to violence. Violence is Preventable (VIP) is a free, confidential, school-based violence prevention program for children and youth aged 3 to 18.

VIP programs link school districts and individual schools with Children Who Witness Abuse (CWWA) programs. Through these links schools and CWWA programs work together to ensure that children and youth who have been impacted by violence in their relationships receive the necessary support and services. VIP programs:

  • Increase awareness and knowledge of the effects that violence has on children and youth
  • Challenge and change attitudes about the silence and misperceptions about violence against women
  • Facilitate partnerships between schools and communities to respond to the emotional, social, academic, and psychological needs of children exposed to violence against women
  • Support educators, counselors and administrators increasing effective, sustainable support services for children and youth in schools

For more information on these programs, visit the Directory of Member Programs and Services or the Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General site to find a CWWA program in your community.

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