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A Mindful Handbook


We invite you to incorporate any or all of these exercises into your facilitation of the Respectful Futures modules. Doing so can offer students/participants an opportunity to gather their thoughts and settle into the learning process in the best way possible.

The exercises are intended to promote calm and set the stage for healthy reflection and discussion. The first two exercises are considered to be optimal starters; however, we encourage you to select the option you believe will work with your learners.


We live in busy environments and face many demands. Extra-curricular activities, social media, and school and work commitments can mean that we have little time for ourselves. As a result, we may lose sight of what is happening inside us and find ourselves reacting without thinking to the world around us. This can lead to an imbalance in our wellness among mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical facets of our health. Finding balance between these aspects requires us to take responsibility in nurturing all four areas holistically.

Grounding is the practice of focusing our attention on one thing at a time. It provides us with an opportunity to increase our understanding of where we are and enable us to feel without judgement.

Taking time to pay attention to ourselves helps increase awareness. It creates opportunities to manage stress and emotions such as anger and frustration. Grounding exercises have also been proven to slow heart rate and breathing, reduce oxygen consumption, and even change brain waves. This opens the mind to learning, including the concepts presented in the Respectful Futures modules. It also builds an understanding of how important the emotional facet of our health is to our wellbeing.

We also encourage you to check out the First Nations Health Authority on Health and Wellness.  

Ways to Get Started

As you introduce the concepts of grounding and relaxation, feel free to lead a short discussion about their benefits. Normalizing the use of such techniques can inspire students/participants to continue practising the exercises even when they are away from the learning space. Remind them that as we practice, we become more comfortable with our thoughts and can begin to “drive our own bus.” Highlight the fact that thoughts are part of the grounding process. Encourage students/ participants not to be concerned about what they are thinking, but rather simply to become more aware of their thoughts. Whatever happens during the exercise is “right” for them.

For these exercises to be successful, it is suggested that students/participants have:

  • A relatively quiet environment
  • Something to focus on
  • Enough room to settle into a comfortable position
  • A relaxed mindset

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