Surrey Schools International Jazz Festival returns in full force for 41st year
The Grandview Heights Secondary Sr. Jazz Band at the 2022 Surrey Schools International Jazz Festival. Grandview Heights is one of 18 district secondary schools performing at this year's jazz festival.
Excitement, and smooth jazz, are in the air as more than 2,100 students from across the district are set to bring their musical talents to stage at the 41st annual Surrey Schools International Jazz Festival on Friday, Feb. 24 and Saturday, Feb. 25.
With pandemic restrictions lifted, the longest-running educational jazz festival in Canada can finally host full-capacity crowds at the Bell Performing Arts Centre, and vocal jazz students can sing their hearts out together onstage again.
“This is the first year that we are back to, let’s call it, normal,” said arts education helping teacher Tricia Liversidge. “We are thrilled to have over 2,100 students registered in all of the different bands and combos and ensembles and vocal jazz groups.
“There is a want and it’s building up again and people are starting to sing. It’s great to hear.”
Students from 18 district secondary schools will perform during the two-day event, including ensembles from Elgin Park, Enver Creek, Fleetwood Park, Frank Hurt, Fraser Heights, Grandview Heights, Guildford Park, Johnston Heights, Kwantlen Park, L.A. Matheson, Lord Tweedsmuir, North Surrey, École Panorama Ridge, Queen Elizabeth, Tamanawis, École Salish, Semiahmoo and Sullivan Heights.
New this year, the festival is honouring the Eleanor Collins, a Canadian jazz pioneer and civic leader, for her lifetime of accomplishments in music. Recognized as the Canadian First Lady of Jazz, Collins is the first woman, person of colour and jazz singer to headline a show on national television for hosting The Eleanor Show on CBC in 1955, predating the Nat King Cole Show.
“She is a phenomenal entertainer, and we will be honouring her at the Friday evening performance,” said Liversidge, adding that the Vancouver-based Sister Jazz Orchestra, an all-female jazz ensemble, will perform Friday night in dedication to Collins. “We’re just tickled to honour Canadian and iconic jazz musicians, and we’re so happy to have her as the first.”
This year's festival is sponsored by Long & McQuade, Tom Lee Music, Vancouver Backline Services, Global BC, CKNW and the Sister Jazz Orchestra. It takes place at four performance venues at Sullivan Heights Secondary: The Bell Performing Arts Centre theatre, the library, the band room and the multipurpose room in the new four-storey addition at Sullivan Heights.
Because it is open to the public, the district will not be livestreaming performances this year.
The Bell Performing Arts Centre is located at 6250 144 St. For more information, including the Friday and Saturday performance schedules, visit