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Year End Newsletter June 25, 2024

Hello Coyote Creek Families,

This will be our last newsletter of the school year.  Please see below for many important informational pieces.  

Thank you to all of our families for all you have done during the school year, to help make Coyote Creek such a wonderful place to be.  We wish all of our families a terrific summer and will be looking forward to welcoming you back, Tuesday, September 3rd @ 10am.  


A special thank you to your Coyote Creek PAC, for all the hot lunches, treat days, fundraising and movie nights.  

So many of our goals this year would not have been possible without their support and volunteering.

Kindergarten student information please see below.  Grade 1 - 7 students attend 10am - 11am on Tuesday, September 3rd.  Please ensure you contact the office via phone or e-mail, if your child will be absent to keep your child's spot at Coyote Creek Elementary.  All students must be accounted for on the first day back.

Hello and Goodbye!


We want to wish our leaving staff well at their new school sites and new adventures. We will miss you greatly at Coyote: 

Jared Stevens

Harjeet Grewal

Navi Cheema 

Pavan Bath

Trudy Pare

Sonia Wahlla

Shallu Rani

Andrea Leiva

Sofien Amri French Prep

Frank Huang French Prep

Dani Kent IST & LST

Nielsen Smith Library

Ramanpreet Grewal LST

Lindsay Pimentel IESW

Lois Liow IESW

Priya Kannan IESW

Kaydra Williams ICYCW

Screenshot%202024-06-25%20at%2012.46.46%E2%80%AFPM-1.pngWe welcome our new and returning staff joining us in September:

Lori-Anne Harold

Leah Hagerty

Nancy Bickel

Nadine Mullen

Nicole Curtis

Nicole Gill

Faith Wilkes

Jamie Duncan LST

Gabriella Bruxelle LST

Megan Flamand ICYCW

Ms. Gill and Ms. Hillen, along with the Coyote Creek staff, want to wish all of our families a safe and happy summer break! See you in September!


Sincerely, Coyote Creek Staff

Coyote Creek on Instagram!

We have a new CoyoteCreekLearns account on Instagram! We will have lots of exciting posts to share! The QR code below should take you right to it!




- Library Books Overdue have been added to School Cash Online as a debt owing - Return books to the library ASAP or pay the fee posted to your child's account.


Lost and Found Items spread out in Munch Pit (beside library) 

Families are welcome to view items for collection (see photo) before and after school.  

Unclaimed items will be donated Thursday, June 27 @ 2pm


- Year End Assembly AM

- Freezie and Chip sales

- Library Books Overdue have been added to School Cash Online as a debt owing - Return books to the library ASAP or pay the fee posted to your child's account.


Lost and Found Items spread out in Munch Pit (beside library) 

Families are welcome to view items for collection (see photo) before and after school.  

Unclaimed items will be donated Thursday, June 27 @ 2pm


- Last day of school Early Dismissal 1:27 pm

- Freezie and Chip sales, if there is product leftover from Wednesday

- Reports go home (report cards not picked up will not be mailed home)

- All student belongings and Medications must go home today or be picked up.  Any items left behind will be discarded.

- Library Books Overdue have been added to School Cash Online as a debt owing - Return books to the library ASAP or pay the fee posted to your child's account.


Lost and Found Items spread out in Munch Pit (beside library) 

Families are welcome to view items for collection (see photo) before and after school.  

Unclaimed items will be donated Thursday, June 27 @ 2pm


- Staff Only, School Closed to Public

- MONDAY, JULY 1 to FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2024 - School Closed, No Staff on Site.

- New Student School Registration is done Online.  Please go to to register.

FIRST DAY BACK to SCHOOL:  Tuesday, September 3rd @ 10am

NEW BELL TIMES for 2024-2025 - please see this document. 24-25 Coyote Creek Bell Schedule.pdf

IMPORTANT DATES and what the first day of school looks like. 24-25 Coyote Creek Calendar.pdf

SCHOOL FEES  24-25 School Fees Coyote Creek.pdf

WEEKLY NEWSLETTERS are posted to our school website and Surreyschools App.

NEW KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS should receive an e-mail at the end of June and at the end of August regarding start up information, and the new gradual entry calendar.  If you do not receive an email, then please email and notify us of the correct e-mail(s) for your family (must include child's full name in the e-mail and date of birth).Kindergarten Gradual Entry Calendar Sep 2024.pdf

1718223576482.pngSchool Supplies Ordering is now open for the 2024 - 2025 School Year

Remember to order for your Child's next year grade for 2024-2025 School Year.  

New Kindergarten families, your supplies are purchased by the school and parents will need to pay a fee of $55.00, with payment made using School Cash Online sometime after September 16th, 2024.

Parents have the option of purchasing their child’s school supplies for Gr. 1-7, by either:

1. on their own shopping at a local supplier utilizing the grade supply list found on our school webpage School Supply Lists and Ordering for 2024-2025 - Now Available!! ( or, 

2. for your convenience, you may wish to purchase supplies as a package through School Start. Payment is made directly to School Start by ordering online using the School Start website.  See attached school supply lists that including ordering instructions.  Important:  Order for your child's grade starting September and not their current grade.



ONLINE: You can place your order online at School Start site is best compatible with Firefox or Chrome.

PHONE: You can call their customer service centre at 1-800-580-1868 to place your order over the phone.

EMAIL: You can print and fill out the order form and return to our office via email to:

Coyote Creek Library


Summer Reading!




EACH FAMILY MUST SIGN-UP EACH SCHOOL YEAR due to changes in divisions for each child and teacher.

Register your e-mail with your school PAC to get updates regarding hot lunch sign-up. 

Contact them at and someone will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours.

Please contact our PAC at Coyote Creek <> if you can help with hot lunches or fundraising efforts.



Are you looking for before and after school care?  For more information or to register please email


All After School Programs Being Offered at Coyote Creek have concluded for the school year.

Check back in September or go to program websites for new program registration information for summer or September. 

These programs rent space in our school, and they are fee paying programs run by each program independently.  Please contact the program directly for questions and registration.  See new program flyers to come out shortly for programs ending soon.




Summer health1719338559037.png

Keeping kids healthy and safe this summer – tips for parents 

As summer approaches, excitement levels rise in anticipation for outdoor adventures, sports and family vacations. Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s also a time to prioritize health and well-being. Below are some tips to help your kids stay active, healthy and safe during the summer months. 

Sun protection 

Help avoid sunburns by applying a sunscreen lotion with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 or more to your children (and yourself) at least 20 minutes before heading outside. Seek shade and stay out of the hot sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Look for places with lots of shade, such as parks with big trees. Take an umbrella or tent to the beach and cover up with a wide brimmed hat, long sleeves and lose-fitting long pants.

Breathe easier 

B.C. wildfires and dry weather conditions are common during the summer months resulting in poorer air quality. Reducing exposure to wildfire smoke is the best way to protect your and your family’s health. Stay on top of air quality advisories


Encourage your children to drink water regularly, before they become thirsty. Instill the habit of always carrying a water bottle with them wherever they go. 

Physical activity 

Parents who join in on soccer games, splash in the pool or set out on hikes with their children on summer vacation – and all year long – not only get fit themselves but provide healthy role models for the next generation. Healthy, active outdoor play is one of the best ways to improve both adults’ and children’s overall physical and mental health. 

Enjoy the bounty of the summer produce 

Summer is here, which means fresh fruits and vegetables are in season. This makes it an ideal time to eat some delicious locally grown foods. Local farmers’ markets and u-pick farms are a fun way to enjoy farm fresh fruits and veggies while getting outside and supporting your local farmers. 

Find more summer health tips in Fraser Health’s Healthy Summer Guide:

Social media posts: 


Prioritize your health and well-being with Fraser Health’s summer health tips. For tips on staying active and healthy this summer visit


Keep you and your child hydrated this summer by carrying a water bottle with you. For more tips, see Fraser Health’s Summer Health Guide:


Fraser Health has put together tips and resources to help you and your children stay active, healthy and safe during this summer break. Check out their Summer Health AttenGuide at:

Attention Grade K - 3 Families - $1,200 Training and Education Savings Grant


Deputy Minister’s Bulletin for June 21, 2024 – End of School Year Message from Minister Singh

Link to Minister's letter to K-12 school and district staff.

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