Coming up at Coyote Creek December 11 - 15
Hello Families of Coyote Creek!
We have had a very busy and fun-filled week!
This week students enjoyed the Entrepreneur Fair presented by the grade 6/7 students and their teachers! It is an annual production that the whole community looks forward to. Students work hard to create a product to present and sell to our school community. - well done Gr. 7s! Thank you to Mr. Stevens, Ms. Wong, Mr. Johal, Ms. Grewal, Ms. Mayer for taking on this initiative with our students.
Also, we have noticed an increase of dogs on the property and want to remind all dog owners that we have many children in our building that have allergies and are scared of animals. The district policy/by-law states "no dogs on premises". As much as we love our four legged furry friends, please be mindful and respectful of this by-law.
Monday, Dec. 11 - Div. 1 - 5 to Fleetwood Park Field Trip
Tuesday, Dec. 12 - Gr. 5 Girls Hoops for Hunger 2:30 - 4:00pm
Wednesday, Dec. 13 - Project Lavender Gr. 6/7, Hardbite Chip Sales $2.00 per bag
Friday, Dec. 15 - First Term Reports go home, Spirit Day - Backwards, Opposite, Pattern day, Dance Club, Div. 27 & 29 to Fleetwood Retirement Home
Monday, Dec. 18 - Project Lavender Gr. 6/7
Friday, Dec. 22 - Spirit Day - PJ Day, Last Day Before Winter Break
Monday, December 25, 2023 to January 5th, 2024 - SCHOOL CLOSED FOR WINTER BREAK
Monday, January 8, 2024 - First Day Back from Winter Break
Monday, January 15, 2024 - Black Excellence Day
Friday, January 19, 2024 - Spirit Day - Winter Wonderland
Runs: Monday Dec 11 – Friday Dec 15, 2023
The Healthy Plate: Our top Eight Most-needed Food Items
- Canned protein (fish & meat)
- Canned fruit
- Canned vegetables
- Meal-in-a-Tin
- Whole-grain rice or legumes
- Pasta & sauce
- Healthy canned soup
- Baby formula (Large cans)
Snow and Winter Weather
As temperatures drop and we start to see snow in the forecast, it's important for parents, guardians, students and staff to know the district's severe weather procedures for announcing school closures, delayed openings or cancellations.
All schools in the Surrey School District will remain OPEN, except under extreme circumstances. Only cancellations, closures or delayed school openings will be announced. Except under extreme circumstances, no announcement will be made that schools are open.
Any districtwide closure or delayed school opening will be announced on the Surrey Schools website and individual school websites, as well as communicated on the district's Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts.
An announcement will be made by 7 a.m. at the latest, based on the best information available at that time.
Make sure you follow Surrey Schools on social media and book mark the district website!
- Facebook: @surreyschools
- Twitter: @Surrey_Schools
- Instagram: @Surrey_Schools
** Student safety is our first priority and a shared responsibility. As always, parents and guardians may choose to make other arrangements if they don't feel it is safe to travel to school. Students will not be penalized for such absences. **
For more information, please check our information brochure, available in English, Punjabi, Chinese and Arabic.
Just a reminder to sign up for Hot Lunch!
Multilingual Guides for Parents and Caregivers
New multilingual guides for parents and caregivers have been created to highlight the district’s many animated mental health videos. Available in English, French, Punjabi, Arabic and Chinese, the one-page information sheets provide an overview of the topics of the 8 videos, and include a QR code direct link to them. The guides also include examples of questions caregivers can ask to prompt important conversations with children and youth, as well as a list of diverse community resources should families require additional support.
Links to the new parent/caregiver guides, as well as all of the mental health videos can be found here under Video Resources.

If you know your child will be away from school, please phone our school at 604 597 0858 and listen to the prompts (press 1) directing you to leave a message in our absentee mailbox. Alternatively, please email us at at any time throughout the day.
Gr. 7 Fundraising
We are beginning to fundraise for our Gr. 7 students this year! We will be hosting chip days on the following dates:
December 13th during recess - send money in the morning with your child(ren)
Chips will be sold on site and will be $2.00 per bag (cash only).