Coming Up at Coyote Creek October 23 - 27
Hello Families of Coyote Creek!
We hope you have been staying dry during our recent rainy weather this past week. We know many of our students enjoyed playing outside during this past week at school during our west coast fall weather!
Volleyball season continues with many early morning and afternoon practices in our gym. We are looking ahead to playing games soon against neighbouring schools. Thank you to Mr. Stevens, Ms. Fontana and Mr. Johal for your coaching leadership this season.
Our chess club had a terrific week as well with the conclusion of a school-wide chess competition! Congratulations to Samuel Lu for winning the Coyote Creek Chess competition! Additional congratulations should go also to finalists Shirmi Chen and Jordan Manhas for also placing within this competition! Our sincere gratitude to Ms. Edwards for making this great game available to our students and for providing them with great personalized t-shirts.
We also want to highlight some terrific learning opportunities happening in Ms. Johnson's K/1 class. Our primary students enjoyed some letter/number finding and themed activities in literacy and numeracy.
Finally, we would like to inform our parent and school community that our crossing guard, Ms. Jenna will be absent this coming week and we request that all families take care when crossing at the crosswalk and obey all traffic laws to keep our families safe and healthy.
Thank you,
Coyote Creek Staff
The Week Ahead
Monday, Oct 23 - FSA administration begins Gr. 4 & 7
Tuesday, Oct 24 - Boys Volleyball Practice 7:30-8:30am / Girls Volleyball Practice 2:30-3:30 / Earthquake Drill / Div 23&25 Field Trip / Div 27 & 29 Field Trip
Wednesday, Oct 25 - Girls Volleyball Practice 7:45-8:30
Thursday, Oct 26 - No events today
Friday, Oct 27 - FSA administration ends
October 30, 2023 - Interim Reports go home for some students
October 31, 2023 - Pumpkin Carving Competition (Thank you PAC!)
November 2, 2023 - Early Dismissal 1:27 pm, Parent/Teacher Conferences / Immunizations for Gr. 6
November 7, 2023 - Individual Student Photo Retakes
November 10, 2023 - Non-instructional Day NO SCHOOL
November 13, 2023 - In lieu for Remembrance Day SCHOOL CLOSED
December 8, 2023 - Early Dismissal 1:30 pm
Pumpkin Carving at Coyote Creek
Students are invited to bring a carved/decorated pumpkin to the gym on Halloween morning (Oct. 31) to be entered into a competition within our school community! Thank you to PAC for sponsoring this school-wide activity!
Road Safety at Coyote Creek
We have noticed increasing speeds and illegal parking and u-turns around Coyote Creek at drop off and dismissal. We are asking our parent community to please obey all Surrey by-laws and speed limits to support the safety of all families, staff and students at Coyote.
Thank you!
Ms. Jenna (Crossing Guard) and Coyote Creek Staff
Immunization Messages from Guildford Health
Coyote Creek PAC Spirit Wear
We have just started a Spirit Wear Fundraiser for Coyote Creek! Attached is a link to an online store that will be open today through Oct. 27th. Please note - orders are shipped after Oct. 27th
If you know your child will be away from school, please phone our school at 604 597 0858 and listen to the prompts (press 1) directing you to leave a message in our absentee mailbox. Alternatively, please email us at at any time throughout the day.
Student Planners / Agendas
Families will be able to purchase planners sometime Friday, September 15th, using the District's School Cash Online system Most divisions will use them, except for Kindergarten and a few other classes. Each morning the office will printout purchases from the day before, and provide planners to teachers for students who have purchased. Please note that some grade 7 teachers have the purchase as optional.
Gr. 7 Fundraising
We are beginning to fundraise for our Gr. 7 students this year! We will be hosting chip days on the following dates:
November 1st
November 15th
November 29th
December 13th
Chips will be sold on site and will be $2.00 per bag (cash only).
Dressing for the Weather
Rain or Shine
A reminder that at Recess and Lunch students go outside rain or shine.
As the weather changes, please remember to send your child to school with appropriate clothing for the weather (jackets, boots, etc.), as well as a change of clothes for younger students.