Coming Up at Coyote Creek September 18-22
Hello Coyote Creek Families!
We are excited to have our students placed into their permanent classes as of Monday this week! Students have been settling in and teachers have been enjoying getting to know their new classroom communities. Please see below for a comprehensive list of staff and their corresponding grade levels/job titles.
Mr. Stevens - Grade 7
Ms. Wong - Grade 7
Mr. Johal - Grade 7
Ms. Grewal - Grade 6/7
Ms. Mayer - Gr. 6/7
Ms. Gill - Gr. 6
Ms. Sidhu / Ms. Cheema - Gr. 6
Ms. Newton - Gr. 6
Ms. Boieeie - Gr. 5/6
Mr. Medel - Gr. 5
Ms. Ludu - Gr. 5
Ms. Kang - Gr. 4/5
Ms. Lamothe - Gr. 4/5
Mr. Taylor - Gr. 4
New Teacher - Gr. 4
Ms. Brand - Gr. ¾
Ms. Fontana - Gr. 3
Ms. Hall - Gr. 3
Ms. Pare / Ms. Morrison - Gr. 3
Ms. Robertson / Ms. Morrison - Gr. 2/3
Mr. Poon - Gr. 2/3
Ms. Andres / Ms. Wahlla - Gr. 2
Ms. Wilander / Ms. Chu - Gr. 2
Ms. Breda / Ms. Chu - Gr. 2
Ms. Nerada - Gr. 1/2
New Teacher - Gr. 1/2
Ms. Prasad - Gr. 1
Ms. Miryans - Gr. 1
Ms. Leiva - Gr. 1
Ms. Johnson - Gr. K/1
Ms. Geyer - Gr. K
Ms. Watts - Gr. K
Ms. Schuh - Gr. K
Ms. Dhannu - Gr. K
Please also welcome the following Support Staff for the 2023/2024 School Year
Ms. Pataky – Band
Ms. Deans - Music
Ms. Bedi – Counselor
Ms. Nguy - School Psychologist
Ms. Issac - Speech and Language Pathologist
Ms. Dhaliwal – IST
Ms. Zietsman – IST
Ms. Dhaliwal – IST
Ms. Edwards - Child and Youth Care Worker
Ms. Smith - Indigenous Support Worker
Ms. Jeffrey - Hearing Teacher
Ms. Turner – Library
Mr. Smith – Library
Ms. Bhangu – LST
Ms. Douglas – LST
Ms. Nemec – LST
Ms. Nanda – LST
Ms. Ali - IESW
Ms. Busch - IESW
Ms. Chahil - IESW
Ms. Charron - IESW
Ms. Farah - IESW
Ms. Ghag - IESW
Ms. Hothi - IESW
Ms. Huynh - IESW
Mr. Jones - IESW
Ms. Kannan - IESW
Ms. Levasseur - IESW
Ms. Nordin - IESW
Ms. Padda - IESW
Ms. Pimentel - IESW
Ms. Sharma - IESW
Ms. Valdez - IESW
We would like to welcome the following staff members who will be our lunchtime supervisors this year!
Ms. Javaid
Ms. Patel
Ms. Nessari
Ms. Govindan
Ms. Cheema
Ms. Khan
Finally, we are happy to announce that Ms. Jenna will now be our Crosswalk Guard this year helping to keep our families and students safe!
Please welcome, Ms. Jenna!
The Week Ahead
Monday, Sept 18 - First full day for Kindergarten Students!
Tuesday, Sept 19 - No events today
Wednesday, Sept 20 - No events today
Thursday, Sept 21 - Meet the Teacher 5:00 - 6:00pm
Friday, Sept 22 - Terry Fox Run
September 25 - Pro-D Day NO SCHOOL
September 26 - Photo Day
September 28 - PAC Meeting 6:30 - 7:30 (changed from 6:00pm)
September 29 - Orange Shirt Day
October 2 - Statutory Holiday NO SCHOOL In lieu for National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
October 9, 2023 - Thanksgiving Day SCHOOL CLOSED
October 20, 2023 - Non-instructional Day NO SCHOOL
November 2, 2023 - Early Dismissal 1:27 pm, Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 7, 2023 - Individual Student Photo Retakes
November 10, 2023 - Non-instructional Day NO SCHOOL
November 13, 2023 - In lieu for Remembrance Day SCHOOL CLOSED
Meet Your Librarian
If you know your child will be away from school, please phone our school at 604 597 0858 and listen to the prompts (press 1) directing you to leave a message in our absentee mailbox. Alternatively, please email us at at any time throughout the day.
Meet the Teacher Open House
Mark your calendars! We will be welcoming families into Coyote Creek for our open house - September 21st 5:00-6:00. Please remember, this is not a parent-teacher interview but, rather, a social visit for families to connect with the school community.
Terry Fox Run and Fundraising
Coyote Creek Elementary is participating in the Terry Fox School Run on Friday, September 22nd! We are so proud to be a part of this Canadian tradition in the fight against cancer. Please support our student’s fundraising efforts and donate today at: #terryfoxschoolrun @theterryfoxfoundation
Student Verification Forms
Yesterday your child brought home a Student Verification Form. Please review it carefully and note any changes on the form, and sign the back of the form that you would like reflected in MyEd (our student information system). This document is key in ensuring we have the correct contacts in MyEdBC for your child(ren). Please sign the back and return to the classroom teacher.
Orange Shirt Day Ordering
Orange Shirt Day is September 29th at Coyote Creek. Please find a link below to order shirts for your child(red) if you so choose through Beyond Mars - a third party vendor. Your child's division will be required for ordering.
Student Photos
Dress your best for Student Photo Day on September 26th.
Student Planners / Agendas
Families will be able to purchase planners sometime Friday, September 15th, using the District's School Cash Online system Most divisions will use them, except for Kindergarten and a few other classes. Each morning the office will printout purchases from the day before, and provide planners to teachers for students who have purchased. Please note that some grade 7 teachers have the purchase as optional.
Gr. 7 Fundraising
We are beginning to fundraise for our Gr. 7 students this year! We will be hosting chip days on the following dates:
September 20th
October 4th
October 18th
November 1st
November 15th
November 29th
December 13th
Chips will be sold on site and will be $2.00 per bag (cash only).
Coyote Creek PAC
We invite all of our parent community to join us at our Coyote Creek PAC meetings this year. Our first meeting is September 28th at 6:30-7:30 in our school library. PAC is available to contact at
Dressing for the Weather
Rain or Shine
A reminder that at Recess and Lunch students go outside rain or shine.
As the weather changes, please remember to send your child to school with appropriate clothing for the weather (jackets, boots, etc.), as well as a change of clothes for younger students.
Bell Schedule 2023-2024
Surrey, B.C. Canada V3S 3R4