Coming Up at Coyote Creek April 15 - 19, 2024
Hello Coyote Creek Families!
We have had a wonderful return from Spring Break! Students and teachers have jumped back into learning with new units and areas of discovery. We are also into another badminton season for our Gr. 5, 6 & 7 students! Thank you to Ms. Lamothe, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Johal for coaching this year.
We want to wish all of our families a very happy Eid who celebrated last Wednesday. We also recognize that many of our families will be celebrating Vaisakhi tomorrow - happy Vaisakhi to you all!
Please note - our class photo day has been moved to Tuesday, April 23rd.
Thank you!
Coyote Creek Staff
April 15 - No events
April 16- Ready Set Learn 1pm-2pm for 3-4 years aged children, Div. 9, 10, 11 Swimming Field Trip
April 17- Gr. 7 Chip Sales Fundraiser $2.00 per bag / Div. 12-15 Swimming Field Trip
April 18- Kindergarten Dental Screening 8:45am-11am / Div. 17 @ Field Trip to Bird Sanctuary / PAC Meeting 6:00
April 19 - No events
April 22- Earth Day, Track Rotations Begin
April 23 - Class Photos
April 24- Administrative Assistant's Day / Field Trip Div. 1-5 Bell Center
April 26- Spirit Day: Jersey/Athletic Day
May 2 - Band Field Trip Bell Center
May 3 - Non-Instructional Day, No Classes for Students
May 7 - Gr. 6 Immunizations / National Child and Youth Mental Health Day
May 10 - Spirit Day: Monochromatic
May 13 - 17 - Heritage Week and Spring Concert
May 20- Victoria Day, School Closed
May 27- Non-Instructional Day, No Classes for Students
May 29 - Track Meeting
May 30 - Welcome to K / Div. 22 Field Trip Surrey Nature Center
June 10 - Sports Day / Kona Ice
June 13-14 - Gr. 7 Camp
June 20- Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony
June 24 - Div. 17-20 Field Trip Centennial Beach
June 27- Last Day of School, Early Dismissal 1:27pm
School Closed for the Summer
April – Outside play, physical activity and injury prevention
Get outside and play
Physical activity is a necessary requirement for optimal health – and the benefits are even greater if you can do it outdoors.
Regular physical activity in childhood helps to develop cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and bone density, and being outdoors is known to improve mental health.
There are many benefits to unstructured, outside play. When children spend time outside, they:
- Sit less, move more and play longer – key to cardiovascular health and fitness.
- Have healthier eyes – 10+ hours a week outside reduces nearsightedness risks.
- Sleep better – sunlight helps regulate melatonin and sleep patterns.
- Enjoy improved mood – exercise reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.
- Feel more connected to nature – experience calm and develop mindfulness.
Planning active outings doesn’t have to be challenging or costly. Here are some ideas that you can try this week:
- Go for a walk or hike – try these 10 hikes to take your kids on this summer.
- Play in a forest or park – try a new regional park every day for a week.
- Climb a tree – this Vancouver climbing tree is inspiring, but start smaller!
- Explore a local stream – check these beautiful watershed walks in the region.
- Play hopscotch or jump rope – try teaching these six fun jump rope games.
- Swim at the pool, waterpark or beach – check beach safety conditions first.
- Ride a bike or scooter – find easy, family-friendly cycling routes.
- Visit farms, fish hatcheries and bird sanctuaries – this local family fun guide has unique ideas.
Find more ideas to keep your kids active through the year on Fraser Health’s website:
Hot Lunch Update
We have a Samosa Hot Lunch available for order this week for this coming Friday, April 19th! Orders need to be placed by this Wednesday, April 16th at 11:59pm.
Remaining School Hot Lunches have now been added to the Hot Lunch ordering site.
PAC Fundraising
We are working on a fundraiser with Neufeld farms. We will be accepting orders now through April 22nd. Please order through the link below:
Coyote Creek Library
PAC Meeting
Our next meeting is Thursday, April 18th at 6pm in the library. All parents are welcome!
Volunteers Needed!
Please contact our PAC at Coyote Creek <> if you can help with hot lunches or fundraising efforts
Hot Lunch QR Code Sign-up
Just follow these easy steps to get started. Even if you do not order, we encourage all parents to get signed up to receive vital information about the school PAC. It’s easy and will take no more than 5 minutes of your time.
Join us on-line and participate in Coyote Creek’s PAC. You are a member already!
- Go to
- Click on "Click Here to Register"
- Enter Access Code CCHL
- Complete the rest of the registration form. (Including your email address will ensure you receive reminder emails about fundraising deadlines, PAC communications, hot lunch order deadlines, and your child's hot lunch order for the upcoming week)
- Click the "Register Now" button at the bottom
- Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends Coyote Creek Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders"
- Proceed to order hot lunch/fundraiser items for your child(ren)
If you are having trouble or are looking for step by step details – click on the HELP tab for the parent guide to help you through the process.
Still having trouble or need more information, please contact us at we will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours.
Flushable Items: A reminder to our students and families
After School Programs Being Offered at Coyote Creek
These programs rent space in our school, and they are fee paying programs run by each program independently. Please contact the program directly for questions and registration. See new program flyers to come out shortly for programs ending soon.
New Flyer
New Flyer
Young Rembrandts April - June 2024.pdf
Abacus Master afterschool Apr-Jun 2024.pdf
Robotics - Jan 24-Jun 12.pdf