School Cash Online Sign-up Instructions (in various languages)
School Cash Online is used by the Surrey School District to pay for school items such as trips, club/athletic fees, planners, and spirit wear. Please register as soon as possible to get notification for payments.
- SCO How to Register for Parents Coyote Creek.pdf
- SCO Step-by-Step Registration Guide.pdf
- SCO - Brochure Translated in Korean.pdf
- SCO - Foldable Brochure in Chinese.pdf
- SCO - Foldable Brochure in French.pdf
- SCO - Foldable Brochure in Hindi.pdf
- SCO - Foldable Brochure in Portuguese.pdf
- SCO - Foldable Brochure in Punjabi.pdf
- SCO - Foldable Brochure in Spanish.pdf
- SCO - Foldable Brochure in Vietnamese.pdf