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Principal's Message March 10-14th

Hello Panthers!

It is the final week before Spring Break… hard to believe!  Congratulations to all students and staff on all you have achieved so far in the start of the 2nd semester.  This has been such an important time of learning.  Our LTSS Panthers have been highly engaged in all aspects of school-life.   The learning that is taking place within and outside our classrooms is inspiring and directly due to the effort, perseverance and work ethic of our students and staff.  We are very proud of our school community and all that it represents.  



Last week, we held our Spring Parent-Teacher Interviews.  Thank you to all parents (and students) and teachers who participated in these very important conversations.  Our work together enhances the learning of our next generation of leaders and is such an important partnership.  Again, thank you to all Panthers for your contribution to our caring community of excellence.



This week our Humanities 8 students have been enjoying their Bridge Building Competition.  Students were asked to design and build bridges with specific construction criterion and with a goal to bear the most weight possible.   We were delighted to see the creativity, design and construction skills of our students.  Way to go Panthers!

“Our Senior Leadership class has been running the Humanities House Cup Bridge Building Challenge this week. With only elastics, popsicle sticks, and 3 glue sticks, Grade 8 teams worked to build the strongest bridge possible. The finals are being held today after school, but here's a short video of the very first bridge to be tested!

There have been some very innovative designs, and we look forward to finding out the winners!”




It has also been Core Competency Week.  Students and parents/guardians are reminded that Goal setting and self-reflection of a student’s Personal and Social Responsibilities, Communication and Thinking skills are now a required Graduation activity for all students.   Parents/guardians are requested to please ask your child to show you their Core Competency reflections.  This summary may be found within their Surrey Schools email account.  

On Tuesday, our school practiced our Lock Down Drill procedures.  The drill went well, with a very high level of awareness of the necessary protocol.  Great thanks to all Panthers for your participation.

Our LTSS parent Dry Grad 2025 Committee continues to work on fundraising and planning for this special year-end event.  Great thanks to all parent volunteers for your time, energy and expertise in offering this very important celebration for our graduating students.  All parents/guardians of senior students are encouraged to reach out to our Dry Grad Committee and become involved in this safe, fun and supervised celebration!


Speaking of graduation, our Commencement Committee held their first meeting on Wednesday.  Great thanks to all participating teachers/staff for your assistance.  The Graduation Commencement Ceremony will again be held at the Bell Center for the Performing Arts and promises to be an unforgettable tribute to our Graduating class of 2025. The evening will be here before we know it!  

On Thursday morning, our students cleaned out their lockers in preparation for Spring Break.  All students are reminded to please ensure that all food items are removed from your lockers over the break.  Thank you for your assistance in keeping our school clean and healthy.



Also on Thursday, our Staff Committee had the opportunity to meet to discuss our initial plan for teacher staffing/positions for next school year.  This is a very lengthy and complex process that requires much care and effort to ensure that our school is fully staffed for the start of September.   Thank you to all members of the Staff Committee for your feedback.

The LTSS Senior Boys Rugby Team have a Home Game afterschool on Thursday afternoon.  The weather is cold and wet… perfect conditions! 😉. Congratulations to all members of our Rugby program on your dedication and team spirit!

Tomorrow, the day before Spring Break, our Crafts for Kindness Club will be hosting a Holi Bracelet making workshop at lunchtime.  Drop by room C303 at lunch and make a bracelet for Holi!



I wish all students and staff a wonderful Spring Break Holiday.  Take the time you need to rest, recharge and get ready for the final push of the 24/25 school year.  April to June will be a very full, fun and special time for our school.  Things will move quickly!

Have an excellent Friday and a great spring break.  We’ll see you back at school on Monday, March 31. 😊





Traffic and Student Parking

All Panthers are reminded that traffic around the school and parking on school property will be very busy with our increased enrollment and Extended Day schedule.  All student drivers are reminded that it is very important to drive with care and attention while on or near school property.  Safety is our first priority.  Please drive safely and responsibly, be aware of pedestrians, and follow all traffic regulations.

If possible, all families are asked to consider alternative transportation options.  Please walk or bike to school if possible.  It would also be helpful if students are dropped off a couple of blocks away from the school and vehicles do not enter our school’s parking lot.  

Please note that this year, students are only permitted to park in the Student Lot on the right side of our parking lot near our Portable classrooms.  Students are not permitted to park in the Staff Lot.

All students wishing to park on school property must apply for a Parking pass.  Application forms may be picked up at the office.  Students must park in their designated stall.  

Parking passes must be displayed on your car’s windshield at all times while on school property.  Parking privileges will be revoked for any students not following our parking regulations or for unsafe driving.

Thank you for your help and cooperation in responding to our increased traffic challenges and protecting the safety of our community members.

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