Principal's Message March 3-7th
This Week at Lord Tweedsmuir
Thursday, March 6th
Good morning Panthers!
It is now March and our school year is moving fast! Spring is just around the corner and our students and staff are immersed in new challenges and powerful learning. Life at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary, as usual, is exciting, dynamic and always interesting. I encourage all students to make the very most over the next two weeks as we move toward Spring Break. Appreciate each day within our school community and take advantage of your special opportunities as a Panther.
Last Friday afternoon, our South Asian Students and Allies club celebrated together with the final round of our school’s first Bhabi tournament. Students enjoyed the friendly competition, friendship, sweets and chai! A great time was had by all. 😊
Last week our students in Urban Studies 12, BC First Peoples 12 and Physical Geography 12 enjoyed their fieldtrip to Granville Island on a weather perfect Friday. They learned about the new Senakw development, the usage of government lands, non market housing and the importance of community and public spaces. Students had a great time, and free time to experience Granville island as a tourist and try some different food. They were awesome. We are really proud of how our seniors conducted themselves and represented Tweedsmuir. Great thanks to Mr. Solari and Ms. Mason for organizing the trip.
On Monday we started “Early Intervention Week” with teachers providing informal, formative feedback to students and parents. All students should be receiving some form of a progress report from each of your classes. Parents/guardians are encouraged to ask for the reports and review with your child. Thank you to teachers for providing this important information for all of your students.
On Tuesday morning, our school community practiced an Earthquake Drill. As the “rumbling” played over the PA system, students and staff dropped, covered and held on. The drill went well and was very timely with our two recent fairly local earthquakes. Thank you and well done to all Panthers.
This week I had the chance to drop by and watch our Rugby teams in practice. This year we have large Junior and Senior teams. It is inspiring to see our players out on the field in rain and shine and dedicated to their sport. Good luck to all of our players and special thanks to all of our Rugby coaches. Grade 8 boys are reminded that we also have a Grade 8 Rugby team. At this point, turnout has been low… and so we are encouraging our newest Panthers to come out afterschool Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and check out a possible new sport. New players are welcome!
Wednesday was a special day for our Indigenous Students with the District sponsored “Indigenous Day of Brilliance” and then our LTSS Indigenous Family Gathering Art workshop in the evening. We were privileged to host the event and welcomed families from our Lord Tweedsmuir family of schools to a celebration of Indigenous culture, art, family and friendship. Great thanks to everyone who joined us and to our guest Artist Danielle Webber. 😊
On Wednesday afternoon, our senior Boys Basketball team was competing in the British Columbia championships at the Langley Events Centre. Our school is one of the top ranked teams in the province! Congratulations to all members of the team on your season and on your incredible playoff run! Way to go Panthers!
Thursday is an early dismissal day for Parent-Teacher Interviews. We again thank all parents/guardians and teachers for your participation in this important partnership. I know that the open and ongoing communication between school and home directly supports the success of our students. We hope everyone found the evening valuable. Special thanks to all of our Leadership students for your assistance in hosting the evening.
It is International Women’s Day on Saturday, March 8th. It is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Happy International Women’s Day to all Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary students, staff and families!
Have an excellent Friday and a happy weekend. We’ll see you back at school on Monday. 😊
Traffic and Student Parking
All Panthers are reminded that traffic around the school and parking on school property will be very busy with our increased enrollment and Extended Day schedule. All student drivers are reminded that it is very important to drive with care and attention while on or near school property. Safety is our first priority. Please drive safely and responsibly, be aware of pedestrians, and follow all traffic regulations.
If possible, all families are asked to consider alternative transportation options. Please walk or bike to school if possible. It would also be helpful if students are dropped off a couple of blocks away from the school and vehicles do not enter our school’s parking lot.
Please note that this year, students are only permitted to park in the Student Lot on the right side of our parking lot near our Portable classrooms. Students are not permitted to park in the Staff Lot.
All students wishing to park on school property must apply for a Parking pass. Application forms may be picked up at the office. Students must park in their designated stall.
Parking passes must be displayed on your car’s windshield at all times while on school property. Parking privileges will be revoked for any students not following our parking regulations or for unsafe driving.
Thank you for your help and cooperation in responding to our increased traffic challenges and protecting the safety of our community members.