Principal's Message February 3-7th
Good morning Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary,
It has been a chilly week of Winter weather and challenging conditions in Cloverdale and at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary. Thank you to all students, staff, parents/guardians for your caution, patience and perseverance as you have navigated your way to/from school this week. This week we have been settling into the new routines of the 2nd semester. New classes, new teachers, new students, new expectations and new challenges – it is a very important time for both students and staff. I wish everyone great success, meaningful learning and happiness as you make your way through your Spring semester. Let’s go Panthers!!
Our week started with very busy Monday and Tuesday mornings. Again, thank you for your patience as we prepared our school for our early morning openings with snow clearing and additional classroom supervision coverage. In the end, I was very impressed with the way we came together as a community to support each other and cope with the extra demands of the morning. Thank you Panthers! As a reminder, please review the District’s Weather Related Procedures found on our website.
On Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, our Counselling team hosted the Grade 8 and 9 Course Request assemblies. Students were provided very important information on course requirements and the process to request their courses for next year. Students will be using their MyEdBC portal to make their selections. Students are also reminded that if they have any questions and would like some assistance, Counsellors will be available on Tuesday at lunchtime in room B201. (We will next be reaching out to our Grade 10 and 11 students over the coming weeks to help them choose their course requests.)
All students are reminded to please consider your requests very carefully. Please see our Course Planning Package on the Counselling page on our website for detailed course descriptions. As always, we will use this information from students to build and staff our school’s timetable. After the timetable has been built, there will be very little opportunity for course changes. Please select your courses wisely!
This week our LTSS student-athletes have been creative in finding alternative locations to train. Our Gymnasium foyer has turned into a warm-up space. 😊
Intramurals are back in action! Students are invited to come down to the gym at lunchtime to participate and cheer on your friends! On Wednesday, our elite teachers’ Volleyball team took on all comers… they were looking pretty good! 😊
Next week is Valentine’s Spirit Week. Join in on the fun and join us in the theme of the day. Great thanks to our Student Council for your work in organizing the week.
Stay safe and stay warm! We’ll see you back at school on Monday. 😊
Traffic and Student Parking
All Panthers are reminded that traffic around the school and parking on school property will be very busy with our increased enrollment and Extended Day schedule. All student drivers are reminded that it is very important to drive with care and attention while on or near school property. Safety is our first priority. Please drive safely and responsibly, be aware of pedestrians, and follow all traffic regulations.
If possible, all families are asked to consider alternative transportation options. Please walk or bike to school if possible. It would also be helpful if students are dropped off a couple of blocks away from the school and vehicles do not enter our school’s parking lot.
Please note that this year, students are only permitted to park in the Student Lot on the right side of our parking lot near our Portable classrooms. Students are not permitted to park in the Staff Lot.
All students wishing to park on school property must apply for a Parking pass. Application forms may be picked up at the office. Students must park in their designated stall.
Parking passes must be displayed on your car’s windshield at all times while on school property. Parking privileges will be revoked for any students not following our parking regulations or for unsafe driving.
Thank you for your help and cooperation in responding to our increased traffic challenges and protecting the safety of our community members.