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Principal's Message October 13-18th

This Week at Lord Tweedsmuir

Thursday Oct 17th, 2024

Hello to all Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary Panthers!

Students - I hope you have had an excellent week and have enjoyed the many learning opportunities that our school is able to provide.  We are all very fortunate to be Panthers and our school is bustling with new learning, new opportunities and student success!  

We have returned from the Thanksgiving Day long weekend to our usual flurry of activities.  On Tuesday evening our LTSS Dry Grad 2025 Committee met to plan for this year’s Dry Grad Celebration.  Great thanks to all volunteer parent (and student) committee members.  Your work in support of our Graduating class of 2025 is so important.  Our school has a long and very successful history of hosting excellent Dry Grad events.   I am sure that this year will be no exception.  We will be working very hard to encourage all graduating students to attend and will structure the evening to promote this.  Much more detail to come over the months ahead.  In the meantime, please see our Dry Grad Committee update posted on the Grade 12 Team and consider volunteering.

Speaking of our Graduating class of 2025, on Wednesday evening, we hosted this year’s Grad Boat cruise.  The evening was a great success!  Students were bussed to Vancouver Harbour and boarded the “Brittannia” for an evening of fun, friendship, dancing and Bingo!  Although, the rains poured down as we were boarding, the skies cleared as we left the port.  The scenery was incredible, the seas were (fairly) calm and our students were excellent ambassadors for our school.  A fun time was had by all.  It was wonderful to see the smiles and happiness of our grade 12’s as they enjoyed the evening with friends and built community with their grad class.  Great thanks to all staff supervisors for your assistance and support throughout the evening.  Way to go Panthers!













On Thursday our school participated in the “Great Canadian Shakeout” Earthquake Drill.  This was an important opportunity to practice and review Earthquake safety procedures and remind our students of the value of earthquake safety planning.  Thank you to our school community for your participation and focus.

Our Parent Advisory Council met on Thursday evening.   I was able to provide a summary of school-life over the past month, and the agenda included a review of the updated PAC by-laws.  The PAC is an excellent opportunity for parents/guardians to learn more about our school and helps to support the extracurricular resources for our students.   Parents/guardians are welcome to join us!

Tomorrow we will be participating in the student mock election.  “Student Vote” is a chance for our students to learn about our democratic election process.   Great thanks to our Social Studies Department for your work in organizing the event.  



Parents/guardians of Grade 8 and 9 students are reminded that next Tuesday evening at 6pm we will be hosting a Parent Information Evening in the large gymnasium.  Join us to learn more about our new Provincial Reporting Order and updated Report Card and assessment structures and strategies for success in high school.

I wish everyone a happy and relaxing weekend.   See you on Monday.




Traffic and Student Parking

 All Panthers are reminded that traffic around the school and parking on school property will be very busy with our increased enrollment and Extended Day schedule.  All student drivers are reminded that it is very important to drive with care and attention while on or near school property.  Safety is our first priority.  Please drive safely and responsibly, be aware of pedestrians, and follow all traffic regulations.

If possible, all families are asked to consider alternative transportation options.  Please walk or bike to school if possible.  It would also be helpful if students are dropped off a couple of blocks away from the school and vehicles do not enter our school’s parking lot.  

Please note that this year, students are only permitted to park in the Student Lot on the right side of our parking lot near our Portable classrooms.  Students are not permitted to park in the Staff Lot.

All students wishing to park on school property must apply for a Parking pass.  Application forms may be picked up at the office.  Students must park in their designated stall.  

Parking passes must be displayed on your car’s windshield at all times while on school property.  Parking privileges will be revoked for any students not following our parking regulations or for unsafe driving.

Thank you for your help and cooperation in responding to our increased traffic challenges and protecting the safety of our community members.

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