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Principal's Message March 11-15th

This Week at Lord Tweedsmuir Thursday March 14th, 2024

Ramadan Mubarak Panthers!  


This week our student Anti-Racism Alliance club has been recognizing Ramadan and raising awareness.  Thank you for your leadership in supporting inclusion at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary.  Our school’s diversity is such a strength, and we celebrate our multicultural community every day.  


Last week the Panther Players Junior Improv team had a podium finish at the regional Canada Improv Games held at the Granville Island Improv Center.  Congratulations to the Panther Players on their best finish ever competing against other lower mainland schools. 


We are now in the final week before Spring Break.  It is hard to believe it is already here! Students and staff are engaged in all aspects of school life and Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary is an active and vibrant place to work and learn.  We are all very fortunate to belong to our very special school.   All students are encouraged to take advantage of all the many opportunities that LTSS provides.  With this, I would like to recognize and thank all members of our staff for your caring and professional support of our students and your leadership in building our community.  You make a difference every day!

Great thanks to all parents/guardians and staff who joined us for Parent-Teacher Interviews last week.  Also, thank you to the many students who assisted with the evening.   We had an excellent turn-out of parents for the session.  This was an important evening of dialogue for our learners and directly supported their success in school.

It is Core Competency week at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary with students revisiting their Core Competency goals and reflecting upon their progress.  Students are reminded that this goal-setting process is a new graduation requirement – please be sure you complete the Core Competency reflection worksheet in your Block A class.  Parents – please ask your children to review their goals/reflections with you related to Thinking skills, Communication skills and Personal and Social Responsibility.  Your child’s completed worksheet may be found in their Surrey schools email account.  

Speaking of Personal and Social responsibility, students who are driving to school and parking in our school lot are requested to please keep this area clean.  The amount of garbage being left behind in the student lot each day is not representative of our Panther Pride.  Parking at the school is a privilege and respect for our community is very important for all of us to demonstrate every day.  Thank you Panthers for your help and cooperation.  

All students are reminded to please ensure that your lockers are free of any food items prior to the holiday.  We will be organizing a brief locker clean-up on Thursday to get ready for our Spring Break.  Thank you for your help.


Have a great day tomorrow and enjoy your holiday.  We will see you back at school on Tuesday, April 2nd and wish all Panthers a time of rejuvenation, good health and happiness.  😊 


Traffic Safety


Traffic safety around Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary is a critical priority for our community.  With increased enrollment, the number of vehicles navigating around and within our school grounds also increases.  It is essential that all drivers are very cautious while driving near the school and are aware of the many student pedestrians who are nearby.

All students and parents/guardians are requested to consider the following:

  • If possible, students - please walk and/or bike to school.  Fewer vehicles attempting to drop off and/or pick up students will be very helpful.
  • Consider dropping off/picking up 2-3 blocks away from the school and avoid the traffic congestion around the school.
  • Consider drop-off/pick up earlier and/or later in the morning/afternoons to avoid peak traffic times.

 Thank you for your help in protecting the safety of our students.  

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