Principal's Message December 18-22nd
Good morning students, staff, parents/guardians and friends of Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary!
After a very full and busy term of learning, friendship and celebration, we are in the final week of classes before our Winter Break. Our students and staff should be very proud of the community we have created together and the excellence in learning we have seen across all curricular and extracurricular areas. Our Panthers have earned a very well-deserved break and we are all looking forward to a couple of weeks of rest, rejuvenation and time spent with family and friends.
Over the past week our school has embraced the joys of the holiday season. Last Thursday evening we hosted our senior students Winter Formal Dance at the Mirage Banquet Hall. It was a wonderful evening for our students, with good food, good friends, good music and fun. Our students were excellent ambassadors and our supervising staff were very impressed with their citizenship and behavior. Great thanks to all staff who helped supervise. It was an important evening of community building!
The next morning, bright and early, we hosted our annual Grade 12 Santa Breakfast for our graduating students. Again, a wonderful tradition, and made possible through the work of our Cafeteria Program staff and students, and the many staff who helped serve. We had a strong turnout of students, and a visit by Santa Claus. It was a really nice way to thank our senior students for their leadership. Way to go Panthers!
Also on Friday, we concluded our First Peoples in Residence week with a Closing Ceremony. We had the opportunity to thank our guests, witness the learning that has taken place at Lord Tweedsmuir over the week, and affirm the importance of Truth and Reconciliation. Thank you to Ms. Daignault, Ms. Killaly and Ms. Robinson and our special guests for your leadership and for sharing your teachings with our students.
Last week, Ms. Robinson’s students completed their collaborative “Big Buddies” project with Don Christian Elementary students. It was very successful! Together, the LT Big Buddies and DC Little Buddies created unique, illustrated engaging tales that were read aloud in small groups and bound as keepsakes for the children to take home. Our students were great leaders and kind role models. Congratulations to all students for your leadership and kindness!
I had the chance to drop by and visit with our newly formed Chess club for a few minutes this week. It was excellent to see students teaching each other the rules and strategies of the game… and the welcoming atmosphere for everyone from beginner to advanced!
We enjoyed some Christmas Caroling this week from Ms. Perez-Dingler and her students. Thank you for your Christmas spirit!
On Wednesday evening, our Music Department hosted their Winter Concert at the Bell Theatre for the Performing Arts. This was such a nice evening of Panther Pride, family and music. Congratulations to Mr. De La Pena and all music students on your growth, talent and dedication. I really enjoyed the concert! 😊
This morning we will be asking our students to clean up their lockers prior to the Winter Break. Thank you in advance to all students for ensuring that your lockers are cleared of any food items. We want to ensure that there are no “science projects” awaiting our return in January!
We are looking forward to our Staff Breakfast meeting tomorrow morning. This will be our final opportunity for our staff to gather in 2023 and recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our “caring community of excellence”.
Enjoy your last Friday before the Winter Break! We wish all Panthers a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. We will see everyone back at school on Monday, January 8th.
Traffic Safety
Traffic safety around Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary is a critical priority for our community. With increased enrollment, the number of vehicles navigating around and within our school grounds also increases. It is essential that all drivers are very cautious while driving near the school and are aware of the many student pedestrians who are nearby.
All students and parents/guardians are requested to consider the following:
- If possible, students - please walk and/or bike to school. Fewer vehicles attempting to drop off and/or pick up students will be very helpful.
- Consider dropping off/picking up 2-3 blocks away from the school and avoid the traffic congestion around the school.
- Consider drop-off/pick up earlier and/or later in the morning/afternoons to avoid peak traffic times.
Thank you for your help in protecting the safety of our students.