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Principal's Message December 11th-15th

This Week at Lord Tweedsmuir Thursday December 14th, 2023

Hello Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary!

I hope your week has been filled with new learning, celebration, fun and friendship!  It is a busy and eventful time at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary with many special events, traditions and important curricular instruction.  Our students and staff are working hard, enjoying the season and looking forward to the upcoming Winter Break.  Great thanks to all Panthers for your contribution to our caring community of excellence.



At the end of last week, I was able to attend our first Theatre Production of the year with our “Twas a Night of Dramedy”.  Our Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary Drama Department of cast and crew staged their student-written and directed One Act plays.   It was a very enjoyable evening of the Performing Arts in front of an appreciative audience of family and friends.   Congratulations to the entire Department on your success. Way to go Panthers!




This season our school has again been supporting the Cloverdale Community Kitchen Christmas Food drive.  We challenged our student body to donate enough food to “Push out the Principal” from his office. 😊 By Friday afternoon, my office was very full of boxes of donated food and left me very little room to navigate.  I was “pushed” out of my office and set up shop in the hallway.   Congratulations Panthers for accomplishing our goal and making a positive difference for families in the community.  Your generosity and citizenship are such an important part of our school culture and demonstrates our Panther Pride!  




Another fun LTS tradition is our annual Door Decorating contest.  This year special guests from the Lord Tweedsmuir Alumni Association joined us to judge the entries and celebrate our students’ creativity and spirit.  Great thanks to our Student Council for organizing the event and to all of our guests for your judging expertise! 😊





It is First Peoples in Residence week at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary.  We started the week with an Opening Welcome Ceremony on Monday morning.  We are pleased to have Guest speakers Lee Prevost, Becky Parker, and Aspen Shima at the school this week providing presentations to students on Indigenous culture and history.  Welcome to Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary and thank you for your guidance and teachings.  On Friday, we will host a Closing Ceremony and celebration for our guests and participating classes as we witness the important work and education accomplished over the week.


Great thanks to our LST and Art Departments for hosting our Staff Breakfast social on Thursday morning.  This was a wonderful way for our staff to connect and celebrate our successes of the first semester.  

On Thursday evening, we will be hosting another favourite LTS tradition with our Winter Formal Dinner and Dance for our Senior students.  We look forward to a safe and happy evening of friendship and Panther Pride as our Grade 11 and 12 students gather to celebrate being part of this special school community.  I would like to thank all staff who have volunteered to supervise the event; and thanks in advance to all of our participating students for your spirit, citizenship and responsible conduct and safe behavior.

On Friday morning our special holiday traditions will continue with our Grade 12 Breakfast with Santa.  Grade 12 students will be treated to a delicious breakfast prepared by our Cafeteria Program and served by our staff.  This is such a nice way for our school to recognize and congratulate our senior students for their hard work, positive role modelling and leadership in our community.

On Monday, we will return to our final week in session prior to the Winter Break.  All students are encouraged to remain engaged in your studies, stay focussed, and enjoy all that our Lord Tweedsmuir community provides.  Our Panthers are very fortunate.

Have a great day tomorrow and enjoy your weekend.  See you on Monday!



Traffic Safety


Traffic safety around Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary is a critical priority for our community.  With increased enrollment, the number of vehicles navigating around and within our school grounds also increases.  It is essential that all drivers are very cautious while driving near the school and are aware of the many student pedestrians who are nearby.

All students and parents/guardians are requested to consider the following:

  • If possible, students - please walk and/or bike to school.  Fewer vehicles attempting to drop off and/or pick up students will be very helpful.
  • Consider dropping off/picking up 2-3 blocks away from the school and avoid the traffic congestion around the school.
  • Consider drop-off/pick up earlier and/or later in the morning/afternoons to avoid peak traffic times.

Thank you for your help in protecting the safety of our students.  

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