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Bear Creek Elementary Code of Conduct

At Bear Creek, we believe that students have the right to learn in a safe, caring, and orderly environment. The school code of conduct provides guidelines for positive behaviour and consistent discipline that takes appropriate measures to prevent and intervene in matters of student safety.

 Students have the RIGHT to:

  • Be physically and emotionally safe.
  • Be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Be free from sexual, racial, or cultural harassment. 
  • Learn without interference.
  • Express feelings and ideas.

Students have a RESPONSIBLITY to: 

  • Treat others with respect.
  • Always keep hands and feet to self.
  • Respect ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity.
  • Respect school property.
  • Work hard and not get in the way of others’ learning.
  • Be willing to listen to the opinions and ideas of others.
  • Complete learning tasks to the best of their ability.

Safe & Caring Schools are Free from Acts of: 

  • Bullying (including cyber-bullying).
  • Harassment, threat, intimidation, or marginalization.
  • Violence in any form.
  • Abuse of any form (verbal, physical, sexual).
  • Intolerance and discrimination in any form, based on an individual or group’s race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, family status, physical or mental disability, genera identity, sexual orientation, or age.
  • Retribution against a person who has reported incidents.

At Bear Creek we DO NOT tolerate the presence of:

  • Intoxicating or banned substances (including alcohol, cigarettes, vaping, or drugs).
  • Theft and vandalism (or damage to personal property).
  • Weapons or replica (toy) weapons (including laser pointers); explosives (including fireworks) and pepper or other obnoxious sprays.
  • Intruders or trespassers (all visitors must first report to the office).
  • Clothing should be free of alcohol or drug references, or any other inappropriate wording or images.


  • School computers and other electronic devices are only to be used for school/education     
     related activities as directed by a teacher, administrator, or other school staff member.
  • Recording of visual images (video or photograph) is not permissible at school unless  permission has been given by the classroom teacher with respect to a classroom project.
  • Students who bring personal devices to school are asked to sign and follow a contract outlining the appropriate and inappropriate use of those devices at school. Students must always follow the guidelines of this contract in all parts of the school. 


The dress code has been developed in conjunction with our Safe Schools department. The key principles of our clothing guidelines are safety, suitability for a learning environment and respect. At Bear Creek, we embrace the importance of individual expression while fostering an environment of respect and comfort. We encourage students to wear attire that reflects their authentic selves and allows them to feel confident and at ease while also demonstrating consideration for themselves and others.

Specific expectations for appropriate dress include: 

  • Must cover undergarments.
  • Students are not permitted to wear items that have inappropriate writing, images or offensive language. 


All students make inappropriate choices from time to time. Our goal is to use these opportunities to promote problem-solving, accountability, responsibility, and learning. Consequences will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, and every effort is made to maintain the dignity of the student, while being progressive and appropriate to the offence. Furthermore, consequences will consider the age, maturity, and diverse needs of the student (e.g., intellectual, sensory, emotional, or behavioral capacity), and the severity and frequency of actions. Whenever possible, consequences will be restorative rather than punitive in nature. They can include:

  • Discussions, behaviour mapping, restorative justice activities.
  • Temporary loss of privileges.                
  • Restitution or duty to the school.
  • Contact and meeting with Parents/Guardians or Caregivers.
  • Additional supports put in place.
  • In-school or out of school suspension. 
  • Involvement of district staff and supports.

School administration will advise:

  • Parents/Guardians of student exhibiting major and/ or repeated behavior concern or situation on the receiving end of an aggressive or violent incident.
  • Minor incidents or single behavior incidents – Parents/Guardians contacted at discretion of the principal.
  • Serious incidents - Assistant Superintendent, Safe Schools Department and/or other District Staff, Ministerial agencies and/or School Liaison Officer (RCMP) as appropriate.   Parents/Guardians would be informed in these cases.


Personal toys and electronic games are to be kept at home. Students are NOT allowed to ride skateboards, scooters, or bikes on school property. Digital learning devices are allowed at school with parent and staff permission. Unless parents give written permission for their child to go home for lunch or on an approved school excursion, students are not permitted to leave the grounds during the school day.

 Bear Creek Code of Conduct for Personal Devices.pdf

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