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Policies & Procedures


The Student Code Of Conduct for our school is a system of behavior management guided by the following principles:

The “3 R’s” reflect the focus of this Student Code of Conduct:


This means taking care of myself and my belongings, and taking pride in all that I do while recognizing the rights, feelings, private space and property of others.


This means that all that I say and all that I do is of my own choosing.  I am accountable for my actions.  I always have choices so I must STOP and THINK before I act, but I can learn from my mistakes.  If I am part of a problem I must also have a part in solving that problem.


This means being on time, being prepared, and doing what I am supposed to do.  Others are able to “count on me”.


The following misbehaviours are considered serious.  When these behaviours occur, parents/guardians will be contacted and appropriate consequences (e.g. suspension) will be assigned:

  • rudeness, swearing
  • defiant behaviour, insolence
  • fighting (or play fighting)
  • running in the halls
  • lack of respect for others, teasing
  • unauthorized leaving of school grounds
  • throwing objects (rocks, sticks, snowballs, etc.)
  • littering


Unacceptable behaviours may result in a school suspension of the student.  School administration will determine the severity of the offence and its consequence.

A simple method of reporting and recording student inappropriate behaviour will be maintained (Behaviour Referral Form).  Staff will file a brief written report when inappropriate student behaviour is apparent; a copy will also be sent home.  A record of all such reports will be retained for the school year.  When the incident or inappropriate behaviour is severe or frequent, parents/guardians will be notified and asked to assist.  Generally minor incidents are dealt with by the staff.  Major and/or repeated incidents will require the involvement of administrators and may involve parents/guardians, other school or district personnel, or outside agency personnel.

  • review of expectations and a timeout
  • consultation with police and/or fire department
  • parents are informed
  • expulsion
  • meeting with the parents
  • review of expectations, written assignment and/or loss of privileges
  • long-term suspension (over 5 days) or referral to district program
  • short-term (in school or at home) suspension up to 5 days


Are Free From Acts Of

  • violence in any form
  • abuse in any form
  • discrimination in any form
  • theft
  • vandalism
  • retribution against a person who has reported incidents

Do Not Tolerate The Presence Of

  • weapons or replica (toy) weapons and explosives
  • intoxicating or banned substances

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