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Policies & Procedures

Educationfuture.jpgThis resource conveys policies, procedures, and guidelines that support the delivery of educational services in our school.


Members of our school community are expected to dress appropriately for a positive learning environment and treat school as "their place of business".  We want to see clothing worn that will ensure the physical and personal safety of all of our students. 

Students will be provided alternate clothes if their own clothes display:

  • clothing with negative or inappropriate symbols, pictures, or slogans
  • short shorts or skirts (length below finger tips when hands by sides) 
  • strapless tops, spaghetti straps, or crop-tops exposing tummy area 
  • low rise jeans exposing undergarments or bottom
  • footwear that is unsafe for school activities including gym (no flip flops) 

Thank you for your support of our dress code.


A.         Safety:

  1. Students will play in assigned areas.  Out of bounds play areas are:
    1. parking lot
    2. bicycle stands
    3. washrooms
    4. south ditch
    5. grass field north of the gym
    6. treed area & hill west of building
  2. All riders of bicycles must wear helmets.  Bicycles must be placed in the racks and locked.  Bicycles or any other items with wheels, such as skateboards, scooters and roller blades, are not to be ridden on school grounds during the school day.
  3. Students are expected to remain on the school grounds during recess and lunch breaks.  Students must have written permission from their parent or verbal permission from school personnel in order to leave the grounds during school or break times.
  4. Students are permitted to participate in activities in the gym only under the  supervision of an adult.
  5. All playground equipment will be used in a safe manner.
  6. In accordance with our District Policy on safe and caring school environments, the BC Ministry of Education, and the laws of our country, the following types of behaviours will be dealt with very seriously by the school:
  • Discrimination
  • Bullying, harassment, threats, intimidation
  • Violence in any form
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Verbal, physical or sexual abuse
  • Retribution against a person who has reported an incident
  • Possession of intoxicating substances, weapons (including replica weapons and laser pointers), explosives
  • Trespassing

7. Any items that are considered to be inappropriate on the playground will be confiscated.  Students are expected to leave all electronic devices (such as I-Pods, MP3 Players, Discmans, Gameboys, etc.) at home. The school will not be responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items. 

8.Students must  walk, not run, in the classrooms and hallways of the school and in all areas bordering the parking lot including the front of the school. 

B. Courtesy:

1.The wearing of caps or hats and the chewing of gum and sunflower seeds will not be permitted in the school.

2.Students, when visiting the office, are expected to wait quietly until the office staff can acknowledge them or, if necessary, politely make their presence known.

3.Students may only use the telephone with their teacher's permission. The telephone is not to be used to arrange for rides home, or for permission to play at a friend's house.  These plans should be made in advance.

4.P. E. equipment will be returned to the proper place by the person who borrowed it.

5.Students will not enter classrooms unless a teacher is present.

6.No food or drink is allowed in the library, computer lab, or gymnasium.

7.In some classrooms students may be required to take certain precautions involving some food items in order to provide a safe environment for allergic students (Anaphylactic Shock).

8.Students are expected to have proper foot wear (gym shoes) and suitable clothing for P.E. classes, noon hour activities, and after school practices.

9.Students, who have the privilege of staying inside their classroom at recess and/or lunch (due to inclement weather), are expected to pursue a quiet activity.

10.Expectations for movement in the hallways both individually and as a group are:

a.)  Students are to walk single-file on the right hand side in the hallway 

b.)  There should be no talking as learning is taking place in other classrooms.

c.)  Students should not be jumping or reaching to touch door jambs or ceilings in the  hallways and doorways.

d.)  Students should keep their hands to themselves while moving in the hallways.

11.Always remember:  treat others they way that you would like to be treated. 


  • Tell the person who is bothering you to stop.
  • If that doesn't work, tell the lunch hour supervisor if it is happening at lunch time or the teacher if it is during class time.
  • If that doesn't work, see the principal or ask your parents to contact your teacher or the principal.


Appropriate consequences will be issued to students who choose not to follow the rules.  Such consequences begin with a reprimand and may include:

a telephone call or a discipline slip home and/or an apology letter written by the student
a "time-out" (isolation from the playground or classroom for a designated period of time)
an in-school suspension
an out-of-school suspension
a formal suspension as determined by School Board Policy.

In accordance with District Policy, the following types of behaviours will be dealt with very seriously:

  • Disobedience
  • Bullying
  • Fighting 


At the lunch  bell, students are to go outside to play and will be supervised on the playground by adult lunch hour supervisors.  Lunches will be eaten at after outside play time..  Students must eat their lunches quietly in their own desks and clean up after themselves.

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