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Code of Conduct

At WE Kinvig Elementary School, we believe that discipline is an integral part of teaching and learning and should help students develop self-discipline and respect for themselves and others.  Children make mistakes; our Code of Conduct is designed to enable children to learn from their mistakes. Our Code of Conduct is designed to provide guidelines for appropriate student behaviour while under the jurisdiction of the school or at any school-sponsored function.


At WE Kinvig students are expected to:

-  act in a manner which does not infringe on the rights of others or  

    endanger the health and well-being of themselves or others

            -  treat themselves and others with dignity and respect

            -  become actively and productively involved in their own learning

            -  arrive at school on time

            -  respect the property of the school and others

            -  wear clothing appropriate to a school setting


 At WE Kinvig, the central theme is Honesty, Caring, Leadership and using your WITS : 


Honesty           (Take ownership and responsibility of your actions)

Caring              (Care for yourself, others, and the environment in which we learn)

Leadership      (Lead by example, and take on roles at the school that can help others)


 Positive Behaviour:  Good choices by students will be recognized and reinforced both verbally, and with written good behavior slips


Inappropriate Behaviour: can consist of, but is not limited to:

• rudeness, swearing, disrespect

• fighting (or play fighting), spitting, or hitting

• lack of respect for others, using put downs, teasing

• throwing objects (rocks, sticks, snowballs, etc.)

• defiant behaviour, insolence

• running in the halls

• unauthorized leaving of school grounds

• littering, damaging property, or misusing equipment



Consequences will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, respecting individual rights, responsibilities, age and maturity.



Inappropriate behaviour typically has the following consequences in escalated order:

Bad choices made by students can result in Thinks Sheets which detail the inappropriate actions, issues of concern and consequences taken. Others procedure include:

  review of expectations and a timeout

  review of expectations, written assignment and/or loss of privileges

•   parents are informed

•   meeting with the parents

•   short-term (in school or at home) suspension up to 5 days

•   long-term suspension (over 5 days) or referral to district program

•   consultation with police and/or fire department

•   expulsion


Safe & Caring School Environments:


Are Free From Acts Of

• bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, threat, intimidation

• violence in any form including play fighting, or throwing objects at others

• abuse in any form, including physical and verbal abuse

• discrimination, racism or prejudice in any form

• vandalism or willful damage of school property

• retribution against a person who has reported incidents

• theft of school or other’s personal property


Do Not Tolerate the Presence Of

• intoxicating or banned substances

• weapons or replica (toy) weapons and explosives

• intruders or trespassers 



As circumstances warrant (based on the seriousness of the behavior), administrators will advise other parties 

following a behaviour incident 


Dress Code

At W.E. Kinvig students and staff are expected to dress in appropriate clothing that allows for active learning and is not restrictive when engaging in activities.  Clothing for school should follow these guidelines:

  • Hats are worn outside the school building only; Bandanas may not be worn.
  • Tops must be long enough to ensure that no skin is visible.
  • Students may wear skirts and shorts that are fingertip length or longer.  Spaghetti straps, low cut tops, or anything too revealing is not appropriate for school.   
  • Clothing should be free of alcohol or drug references, or any other inappropriate wording or images.
  • Heavy makeup and dangling jewelry should be avoided.

Staff will use their discretion when enforcing W.E. Kinvig’s Dress Code.  In the event of an infraction, the issue will be dealt with in a respectful and discreet manner.

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