Policies & Procedures
Regular attendance and being on time are two key factors related to the success of your child's school life. ~Every pupil registered in a public school is required by law to attend school daily. ~A note to your child's teacher, or a telephone call to the office explaining the child's absence, is appreciated.
Tardiness/Late Arrival
Being on time is an important life skill. ~Children who arrive late interfere with the right of every child to pursue an education without unnecessary interference to learning. ~Both the child who is late and his/her classmates suffer a loss of instructional time. ~Children arriving after 8:45 a.m. must report to the office for a late slip prior to entering their classroom.
Our SAFE ARRIVAL program adds to the protection and security of our children and, we hope, increases peace of mind for parents. The program operates very simply: ~If your child is going to be absent or late with your knowledge, please telephone the school before 8:45 a.m. (594-1135). There is a voice mail service available when the office is closed. ~If your child is not at school for the morning or afternoon attendance checks AND you have not called the school, our secretarial staff will phone your home to make sure your child is safe.
Extended Student Absence
At W.E. Kinvig we respect the need for families to take extended leaves, however, school staff have a responsibility to ensure families understand the effect of extended absences on a student’s education. Staff also has a responsibility to ensure you are aware that your child is not guaranteed a place in the same classroom after an extended absence. When there is a waiting list for a school program, or if you don't notify the school of a change in the date of your return, your child may lose his or her place in the school after 25 consecutive missed school days. If this happens, we would assist you in finding a place in a nearby school until a place becomes available once again at W.E. Kinvig. If you are planning an extended vacation we request that you make an appointment with the principal and fill out the necessary paperwork.
Staying on School Grounds
No child is allowed to leave the school grounds during school hours unless he/she has permission from his or her teacher. Students must have a note from home indicating they have permission to leave school grounds.
Students should use the designated sidewalks and keep from cutting through the staff parking lot.
While on the school grounds, students should not litter and they should use the garbage cans for all trash.
Strangers and dangerous items on school grounds should also be reported to a supervisor, teacher or the office.
Students are asked to use the washroom in the main hallway during recess and lunch. It is expected that washrooms will be used, respectfully, for their intended purpose and not as place to play.
Classrooms, Doors and Halls
Students are expected to remain outside the building prior to the morning bell, at recess and lunch. Students are supervised before school, beginning at 8:30 a.m., at recess, lunch and after school, until 2:54 p.m. Other activities such as music or sports program will be supervised by sponsoring teachers at times that are pre-arranged.
All students must enter and exit their classroom through their outside classroom door before the second bell at 8:45 a.m. If late, students will get a late slip from the office first before going through the school to the classroom.
Students should refrain from using the hallways during non-instructional times and are expected to move respectfully through them during class, recess and lunch times. There is to be no running in the classrooms or halls.
Outside Days
All students are to be outside in the designated playing areas where they can be supervised unless they have a note from home requesting that they stay in for medical reasons. ~If they are to stay in, they will be expected to be in the office hallway. ~Please note that students should come to school dressed for the weather. ~If it is raining lightly, it will be an outside day. All outside days will be announced over the PA system.
Inclement Weather
In the event of an inside day students are expected to play quietly and cooperatively inside their classroom. Students are not permitted to visit other classrooms during inside days. Regular supervision will be provided by teachers, supervisory aides and/or student helpers.
Bikes, scooters, skateboards, heelies and roller blades are to be walked onto the school grounds. Please lock bikes in the racks supplied and remember to wear your helmets. Other wheels should be stored in the classroom during the day and walked from the grounds after school.
Scent Free School
This is a reminder that at W.E. Kinvig Elementary, we have a number of students and staff with significant allergies to perfumes, aftershaves and other strong fragrances. We ask that you refrain from wearing heavy scents to school.
Student Drop-off and Pick-up
Students should be dropped off and picked up along 70B Avenue. The school’s parking facility is has limited parking for StrongStart or Kindergarten classes and a permit is needed.
The lot is for staff parking only and is not to be used for student drop off and pick up, as it poses a danger to the safety of the children.
Child Safety
All visitors, including off site employees, parents, students from other schools, etc., must report to the office upon entering the school; they must sign in and out and receive a visitor’s badge. ~This is a protection for all children. ~Children should avoid all contact with strangers and immediately inform a staff member of persons spotted on the premises without a visitor's badge. ~Parents picking up children in cases of illness or appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.) must check in at the office first.
Children should not be at school before 8:00 a.m. and all children should be on their way home by 2:39 p.m., unless engaged in a teacher-sponsored activity. Upon dismissal, children are expected to go directly home and check in with their parents or guardians. ~It should not be assumed that the school is responsible for children dropped off before 8:00 a.m. or not picked up by 2:54 p.m
Lunch Time
Pupils who remain at school for lunch are to remain in their own classroom until the 12:30 bell. ~Eating lunch at school is a privilege. ~Pupils who have difficulty behaving during the lunch period may be required to go home for lunch. ~Our lunch breaks are supervised by our Noon Hour Supervisors. ~
Children are not to leave the school grounds during the lunch break unless written permission from a parent is submitted to the classroom teacher. Students leaving for lunch must sign out and in again at the office.
Students are expected to be good citizens of the school and should be willing to clean up their own dishes and trash when recess or lunch are over.
Items Brought From Home
Students must not bring radios, CDs, expensive toys, skateboards, rollerblades, hockey sticks, collector (Pokeman) cards, baseball bats, lacrosse or other hard balls to school. The school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen valuables. ~We also discourage gum chewing or sunflower seeds with shells on the school grounds.
Office Telephones and Cell Phones
Our telephones are business phones and we only have a few accessible lines. ~Only in an emergency and with teacher permission will children be allowed to use the classroom or office phones. ~Please encourage your child to make arrangements for their after school play without involving the school’s phones. Office staff will pass on messages to students in emergencies. ~Students are permitted to bring cell phones to school but they must remain turned off and stored safely in the students’ backpacks during the school day. ~Students may use their cell phones once they leave school property.
~Students are not permitted to photograph or video other students~
Footwear and Gym
Students must be accompanied by a supervisor at all times and wear appropriate footwear in the gym.~Black soled runners are not permitted as they leave marks on the hallway and gym floors. It is the teacher’s discretion to allow participation in gym classes if students are dressed inappropriately.
Safe Food Suggestions for Classroom Parties
If the classroom teacher provides the food for his/her class, a Temporary Health Permit is not required.
Students should be encouraged to bring only Non-Perishable foods from home.
Safe Food Suggestions for Students for Classroom Parties:
- Baked potato chips, pita chips or tortilla chips
- Crackers, breads, rolls (margarine or butter OK)
- Dry, uncooked grains such as rice and barley to be added to soups (made at school and brought to the boil during cooking, and served immediately)
- Crispy rice squares
- Dried fruit, 100% fruit leather
- Fruit and vegetables, fresh, uncut, for example: grapes, apples, melon, carrots, onions and cucumbers etc. (to be prepared at school and kept refrigerated until served)
- Granola bars
- Ice cream cups
- Individually packaged fruit cups packed in juice or water
- Individually packaged pudding cups
- Muffins, plain cookies (low in sugar) and squares (low in sugar)
- Popcorn
- Processed cheese slices (keep refrigerated until served)
- Salad dressing for dips (unopened bottles that do not require refrigeration prior to opening.)
- 100% Fruit juice in Tetra boxes
- Skim, 2% and chocolate milk in Tetra boxes
Tobacco Regulations
All schools in BC must be completely tobacco-free, as a result of recent changes to the Tobacco Sales Act, now renamed the Tobacco Control Act. ~This means that from the moment students, staff or visitors enter school grounds, they can no longer smoke or use tobacco, or hold lighted tobacco, at any time, day or night, whether or not school is in session.
~Our young people's health and well-being comes first~
These legislative measures support our school in our efforts to create a healthier school environment. ~They are intended to prevent our students from starting to smoke, to support those who are trying to quit, and to protect all staff, students and visitors from the health consequences of second-hand smoke.
How can you help?
- Support the school’s efforts to promote a healthy learning environment.
- Ensure that you comply with the new law by not using any tobacco products while on school grounds.
- Encourage and support student awareness of the new law. Help your children understand the consequences of breaking the new law while at school.
- Support school officials when penalties are imposed. Our school board policy outlines the consequences for anyone who breaks the rules regarding tobacco use.
- Be a positive role model for your children, whether you’re a smoker or not. Encourage and help them say no to cigarettes, and don’t give them, or provide easy access to, tobacco products.
Booster Seats
The law now states that all students under the age of nine must use an approved booster seat when traveling in vehicles unless they are over 145 cm tall. ~Where possible, students will be asked to bring their booster seat to school when attending field trips where parent drivers provide transportation. ~For more information please visit: http://www.tsfbcaa.com/child_safety_seats
Emergency Procedures and Site Relocation
In the event of an emergency (fire, earthquake, bomb threat, toxic spills, floods, etc.), the school has a crisis team in place to deal with procedures and safety of the school population. ~The school regularly has fire and earthquake drills to ensure that students are aware of the procedures and what is expected of them. Parents and other guests in the school during drills are expected to participate as directed. The main rules are:
Each class has a designated meeting area on the playing field where attendance will be taken, to ensure that everyone is accounted for. ~In the event of an emergency, the school will remain open indefinitely until every child has been released to a parent or an authorized person. ~In the event that we need to vacate the school premises, our alternate safe meeting/congregation site will be:
École Gabrielle Roy, 6887 – 132nd Street
Students can only be released to persons designated by the parent on the emergency form. ~Therefore, please call or send a note to the school secretary to update any changes from the registration.
Emergencies and accidents do occur in spite of careful supervision of activities. ~School personnel handle routine cuts and scrapes. ~However, there is no nurse at the school. The office is also not equipped to look after ill or injured pupils beyond the band-aid or cold compress stage. If an injury is more severe and requires adult assistance, parents or guardians will be called and/or arrangements for hospital emergency services will be made.
Pupil's School Supplies
Supply lists for the new school year are issued to pupils at the end of June and are also posted on-line. ~The lists are also available at the school office throughout the year for pupils new to the school. ~Pupils must have supplies available for use at school. ~There may be times during the school year when supplies need to replaced. ~The classroom teacher will notify you of such times.
~Parents are responsible to supply their child with the necessary supplies used at school~
Lost and Found
All clothing and other items found in the school are placed in a Lost and Found box located in the hall by the office. ~Pupils may retrieve the lost articles at recess, noon or after school. ~Prior to major holidays all students will have the opportunity to reclaim their lost items before they are given to a charitable organization. ~We will display lost and found items for one week in a place mentioned in the school newsletter.
Pupil Transfers
Please notify us at least two days in advance of an anticipated move so that transfer forms can be prepared. ~If your child will be moving from the school we will provide a Pupil Transfer Form that will facilitate registration and appropriate placement in his/her next school. ~As well, please return all texts, library books and any other school issued equipment that may have been used at home.
Visitors to the School
School visits are encouraged and welcomed by family members. As a courtesy, however, we ask that you arrange mutually acceptable times with the teacher(s) before visiting. ~To minimize classroom interruption and provide safety for all children:
- all visitors must sign in at the office and obtain a visitors badge
- pupils from other schools are not permitted to visit with our pupils during school hours unless special arrangements have been made.
When school-aged children are sick the best environment for them is their home with proper medical and parental attention. ~The classroom or medical room are not appropriate places for a sick child to spend the better part of the day. School personnel are busy with their daily teaching and work assignments and so cannot provide the necessary care your child deserves. ~Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a fever, rash, bad cough, sore throat, ear ache, cold or a communicable disease as we greatly increase the risk of spreading the illness.
Prescribed Medication
If your child requires on-going prescribed medication and you have not filled out a medication form this year, please obtain this from the office. It will need to be completed by your doctor and signed by yourself. ~Return it to the school as soon as possible. ~This procedure complies with School Board Policy regarding prescribed medications to be taken at school. ~This form refers to medication taken on a regular or emergency basis.
~Medication cannot be administered until all paper work has been completed~
Head Lice
Head lice are an ever present problem in today's society. They are not a major health concern because they do not spread disease. They sometimes become a community concern because of the prejudice surrounding infestations. ~Catching head lice is as easy as catching a cold. ~Therefore, we ask you to frequently check your child’s head for lice or their eggs (nits). ~Frequent head checks and proper treatment will prevent head lice from spreading in our school. We are fortunate to have an active PAC that do school-wide head lice checks three times each year. Fall, Winter and Spring.
If you require information or if you suspect your child has head lice, please contact the school at 594-1135. If head lice are detected at school, parents will be informed in writing and, where possible, via telephone. ~Information about the treatment for head lice will accompany this notification.