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Responding to Readers

The Responding to Readers (RtR) Initiative was developed Student with worksheetto understand to better support learners in diverse contexts by examining processes and tools for uncovering student proficiency in reading and engages in collaborative professional learning to better understand how children learn to read.

The RtR Initiative involves a small self-selected cohort of teachers learning how to better understand quality classroom-based assessment practices and responsive instruction with the support of Literacy Helping Teachers. Classroom teachers, Literacy Helping Teachers, and the Research and Evaluation Department work together to evaluate the RtR initiative, guided by the questions How are our readers doing? and How do we know this?

Throughout the initiative, teachers examine their practices, gather evidence, engage in reflection, and explore new pedagogical directions. Our researchers gather this data from teachers and interpret evidence to understand ways in which we can better support our learners within their diverse contexts.

Findings from the RtR Initiative are used to move learning forward in Surrey schools. The initiative informs instructional decisions around how we respond to the needs of our students, how to support reading development and how to benefit student experience. The Literacy Helping Teachers are provided with the findings and the report is used to guide future directions.

To learn more about the RtR initiative, please contact one of our district's Literacy Helping Teachers or our department's senior research analyst who is providing research and evaluation support.

Celine Feazel, Literacy Helping TeacherPriority
Ginny Tambre, Literacy Helping TeacherPriority
Stacey Joyce, Literacy Helping TeacherPriority
Asma Afreen, Senior Research AnalystResearch and

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