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About (Our School Plan)

School Planning as an Inquiry Process

The inquiry process at the school level begins with the essential question, "What do we know about our learners?" An important initial step is determining what evidence is at hand. Evidence is not exclusively "data" - the focus is on what we know about our learners, and where students are at in their learning. A "scan" of students is the natural starting place. What we know about our learners will inform the development of an inquiry question that will be the foundation of the school planning process.

You can view our school plan here

2023 - 2024 James Ardiel Student Learning Plan 

2022-2023 James Ardiel Student Learning Plan

2021-2022 James Ardiel Student Learning Plan

Learn more about the planning process here:


School Plan 11-12
School Plan 2012-2013
School Plan 2013 2014
School Plan 2014-15

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