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Course Selection 2025/2026 Year (updated timeline dates)

Course Selection is well underway for the current Grade 11s going into Grade 12. Counsellors will meet with Grade 11s this month. 

Current Grade 10 students going into Grade 11 will have an individual meeting with their counsellor at a designated time.

Course Selection for current grades 8 going into grade 9 and grade 9s going into grade 10 will be completed in February. Counsellors will not have time to meet individually with parents. 

If current Grade 8, 9 and 10 students have questions after the course selection materials are posted on the website, students should contact their counsellor through email or TEAMS. (see counsellor Alpha list on the left) 


  1. January Current Grade 11s
  2. January 8 - 10 - Gr 11 Presentations Blk C in Library/ class/students enter in MyEd
  3. January 10 - 29 - Gr 11 Follow up- Students will meet during Blk C with counsellor
  4. February Current Grades  10, 9, 8
  5. Feb. 10- 12 - Gr 10 Presentations in Gr 10 class/ Library/students enter in MyEd
  6. Feb. 12- 28 - Gr 10 Follow up- Students will meet individually with counsellor
  7. Feb. 21 - Parent Information sent via email to current Grade 8s and 9s
  8. Feb. 21 - 28 - Current Gr. 8s and 9s enter course requests into MyEd.

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