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Policies & Procedures

The staff of Kirkbride Elementary School is committed to fostering positive, supportive relationships between students, parents and school personnel.

School rules and policies have been established for everyone’s protection, safety and well-being.  At Kirkbride, we expect students to assume responsibility for their behaviour. The staff assists students in developing skills for resolving conflict, problem solving and decision making appropriate to their age for healthy learning and living.

We have two sayings we use to guide our students’ focus and behaviour.

Kirkbride Kids C.A.R.E. with C.A.R.E. being an acronym for:

C  –  Cooperate

A  –  Achieve to the best of their ability

R  –  Respect themselves, others and the environment

E  –   Empathize

Kirkbride Kids keep their W.I.T.S. with W.I.T.S. being an acronym for:

W - Walk away

I   - Ignore

T  - Talk it out

S  - Seek help

Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities

I have a RIGHT to learn.

It is my RESPONSIBILITY to listen to instructions, to cooperate, to work quietly and to raise my hand or get help if I have a question or concern.

I have a RIGHT to be safe.

It is my RESPONSIBILITY to do things safely and to treat others as I like to be treated.

I have a RIGHT to be respected.

It is my RESPONSIBILITY to learn about and respect differences in others.

I have a RIGHT to hear and be heard.

It is my RESPONSIBILITY to listen when others are speaking.

I have a RIGHT to my own personal space and property.

It is my RESPONSIBILITY to keep my hands to myself and to respect the personal property of others.

Every student and family receive a copy of the Code of Conduct.  Staff will review expectations on an ongoing basis.  Students are expected to follow the guidelines outlined in the Code in classrooms, in the school building, on school grounds and at school functions, including field studies.

When traveling to and from school, students are expected to respect public property, observe road safety regulations and display appropriate social conduct.


A well-behaved student at Kirkbride is one who:

  • Follows the school rules.
  • Follows safety rules in work and play.
  • Is polite and helpful at all times.
  • Respects self, others, school property and property of others.
  • Shares and works cooperatively.
  • Displays a positive, responsible attitude and good behaviour.
  • Uses common sense at all times.

Inappropriate behaviour can consist of, but is not limited to:

  • Rudeness, swearing.
  • Fighting (or play fighting).
  • Lack of respect for others, teasing.
  • Throwing objects (rocks, sticks, snowballs, etc.).
  • Defiant behaviour, insolence.
  • Running in the halls.
  • Unauthorized leaving from the school grounds.
  • Littering.


Students are expected to attend class regularly and on time.  Parents are expected to call the school when their child is going to be absent.  It is the student’s responsibility to be punctual and to attend school daily unless ill or excused by parent(s).  Students who are late must report to the office before proceeding to the classroom.



Kirkbride Elementary considers field trips to be a valuable opportunity and include an education component and broaden the scope of students’ learning.  Field trips are planned at the discretion of the teacher.   


To attend a field trip a student must:

  • Consistently meet classroom and school expectations for behaviour and work habits.
  • Return the written parental permission form prior to the field trip (due dates will be communicated).   

All students will be appropriately supervised.


When children are sick please do not send them to school.  The best environment for them is their home with proper medical and parental attention.  School personnel are busy with their daily teaching and work assignments and cannot provide the necessary care your child deserves.  Also, for the safety of other students, please do not send your child(ren) to school as they may have a communicable disease or illness (cough, sore throat, ear ache, cold, flu, etc.).


It is the student’s responsibility to have no illicit substances in his/her possession while at school or on the way to and from school.  No student will be allowed to remain in school while under the influence or possession of illicit substances including, but not limited to firecrackers, fireworks, alcohol or illegal drugs.


Students will not make inappropriate physical advances, comments or gestures to any person on school property or on the way to and from school.  Students will not continually annoy any person on school property or on the way to and from school.


Weapons are defined as:

  1. Real (such as guns, knives, etc.).
  2. Replicas (such as toy guns, knives, etc.).
  3. Anything that can be used as a weapon (such as a chain, razor blade or shard of glass).

It is the student’s responsibility not to bring to school, or be in possession of at school, items that can be used as weapons or are replicas of weapons

Damage to or Theft of School or Private Property

  • It is the student’s responsibility to respect the property of others and of the school.

Willful Disobedience or Disrespect

  • Students are expected to follow directions given by adults in charge without arguing or being disrespectful.


It is the student’s responsibility to report to persons in authority (parents, teachers, the principal, etc.) about activities relating to harassment, violence, weapons or other serious matters.

Reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has reported a breach of the Code of Conduct and an explanation of the school’s responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches (notification).


Consequences will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, respecting and involving individual rights and responsibilities.   Consequences take into consideration the age and maturity and special needs of those involved.  As students become older, there is an expectation of increasing personal responsibility and self-discipline.  Whenever possible and appropriate, the focus will be on restorative rather than punitive consequences.  Students, as often as possible, are encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences for violations of the established Code of Conduct.  Depending on the severity, one or more of the following actions will be taken:

  • Verbal Reprimand
  • Timeout Location (eg: asked to leave the playground for a specified amount of time)
  • Discipline Report
  • Detention
  • Home Contact
  • Consequence Form
  • Restitution (eg: cleaning up their graffiti)
  • Parents informed

For more serious or repeated infractions, the following consequences could be applied:

  • The student may receive an in-school suspension where he/she works apart from the class, usually at the office and/or the Social Development room.  Suspensions range from a half-day to five (5) days in duration
  • The student may be suspended out of the school for a duration of one (1) to five (5) days
  • The student may be required to participate in a counselling program
  • Restitution may have to be made

 Although unusual at the elementary school level, the following consequences may also be applied:

  • The matter could be referred to the District Student Conduct Committee as a result of an over five (5) day out-of-school suspension
  • The student could be placed in an alternative learning situation
  • The student could be expelled


Our school personnel will advise other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct.  

For example:

  • Parents of student offender(s).
  • Parents of student victim(s).
  • All parents, when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address it.
  • School District Officials, as required by school District policy.
  • Police and/or other agencies, as required by law.


Are Free From Acts of:

•   Bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, threat, intimidation.

•   Violence in any form.

•   Abuse in any form.

•   Discrimination in any form.

•   Theft.

•   Vandalism.

•   Retribution against a person who has reported incidents. 

Do Not Tolerate the Presence Of:

  • Intoxicating or banned substances.
  • Weapons or replica (toy) weapons and explosives.
  • Intruders or trespassers (all visitors to the school must first report to the office).


  • Go directly to and from school.
  • Arrive at school between 8:25 a.m. and 8:38 a.m.
    • Follow bicycle safety road rules and walk bike, roller skates, scooters, skateboards, etc., on school grounds. Wear a safety helmet. 
    • If before the bell, enter the school building only for school business, unless it is an emergency (parking lot is off limits unless supervised by an adult).
  • Enter and exit the school through outside classroom doors, unless for school business.
    • Upon arrival, go directly to the supervised area (keep front doors/entrance clear at all times).
    • Leave school grounds by 2:45 p.m. unless supervised by a parent or guardian.


  • No throwing of rocks, sticks, pine cones.
  • Keep hands to self at all times, (eg:  when playing any sport, game, etc.).
  • Spitting is not permitted.
  • Do not throw or kick the gravel.
  • Follow slide rules at all times; one person at a time going down, feet first use assigned entrances.
  • Stay on school property during recess and lunch, unless given permission to leave.
  • Bring litter-free snacks, or take wrappers off snacks before leaving the classroom


  • Stay seated and sit quietly, do not yell or use profanity.
  • Follow teacher and supervisor’s driver’s rules.
  • Open windows with permission only.
  • Keep hands inside windows.
  • Leave vehicle litter-free.
  • Use same behaviour as expected at school.
  • Follow rules and expectations of the venue (place).


  • Leave jackets and hats in coat area and wear shoes at all times.
  • Eat at desks and stay in seats while eating.
  • Be courteous and respectful to teachers, supervisors and monitors.


  • Walk in halls in single file and stay to the right.
  • Use inside voices - appropriate language only.
  • Go directly to and from washroom and leave washroom tidy.
  • Students not permitted in janitorial room, copy room, paper room or storage rooms, gym equipment room unless supervised by a teacher. 
  • Students are not to cut through the school, from the front to the back. 
    • Students not permitted to use school equipment, (eg: photocopy machine, risograph, etc.).
    • Respect work on bulletin boards.
    • Keep food and drink away from library, multi-purpose room and gym.
    • Use the appropriate washrooms at recess and lunch. 


  • Only staff can give permission to use any school phone.
    • Calling home for forgotten work, instruments, field trip notices, after school arrangements, or hot lunch notices may not be permitted.


  • Families are asked not to drop off lunches at school at this time. Students are asked not to share food. 


According to District Policy #7214, smoking is prohibited on all Surrey School District property.   According to law it is prohibited for persons under 19 years of age to be in possession of cigarettes or vapes.


Students will not make inappropriate physical advances, comments or gestures of a sexual nature to any person on school property, on the way to and from school, or at any school related function.


Any verbal, written or physical expression which ridicules, degrades or expresses hatred based on race, ethnic group, skin colour, language, dress or religion will not be tolerated. 

VIOLENCE OR THREATS OF VIOLENCE (Intimidation, Harassment or Bullying)

Surrey School District has adopted a position of zero tolerance for violence or threats of violence in all schools.  Each student is expected to refrain from using physical violence or threats of physical violence, as well as refrain from using verbal threats. 


ALL visitors to the school, including off site employees, parents, students from other schools, etc., must report to the office upon their arrival.  They then sign in and receive a visitor’s badge.  Upon leaving, they sign out and hand in their visitor’s badge.  This is particularly important if a child is to be picked up during school hours or if items need to be dropped off for a student.  

If you are not wearing a badge, and are in the building(s), staff members or other parents wearing badges may approach you and request that you check in at the office.   Assisting in this way helps us identify intruders more quickly.


Sometimes extreme weather conditions or other unusual circumstances can cause a school closure on short notice.  In the event of a potential school closure, please monitor the following radio stations:

CKNW (980 AM or

News 1130 (1130 AM or

CBC Radio (690 AM or

Please do not call the radio stations or the school as staff are very busy receiving updates and preparing newscasts.

Surrey school closure information may also be broadcast on the Weather Channel and local TV stations.  Whenever possible, the Surrey School District will post such information on its website at Parents can also use the SchoolLink app to receive notifications.


Traffic congestion at the school drop-off point is always a concern and we hope that you will consider having your child(ren) walk to school this year. Please do not use our drop off/pick up area to park. We have two (2) bike racks and students are encouraged to get fit and support a green environment by walking or riding to school.  Don’t forget helmets and bike locks.  Left turns are prohibited into and out of the visitor’s parking lot.


Frequently, we have people, after hours, gathering on our grounds to drink alcohol.  Hearing from many of our families living close to the school, they are noisy as well as destructive.  I would encourage you to phone the police or the non-emergency line (604-599-0502) if you have concerns.


Personal Digital Devices are defined as any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or to access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, laptop, or smartwatch.   These devices are important tools which can be used to enhance learning and prepare children for the world in which they will work and live.  Personal digital devices provide support for children who rely on these tools to access learning through services such as translation, adaptations for Individual Education Plans, medical support, health needs, or to provide equity of access to resources.  The classroom teacher is responsible for the learning environment in the classroom, for guiding children to use personal digital devices appropriately, and for determining when personal digital devices should be used.

The safe and responsible use of personal digital devices is expected by all Surrey School District students, employees, volunteers, parents, guardians, and community members who are on school district property or interacting with students or staff.  This includes the following:

  • Those using personal digital devices need to abide by the school code of conduct as well as all Provincial and Federal laws and the British Columbia Human Rights Code.  This includes not using personal digital devices to engage or participate in bullying or harassment, discrimination, or defamation of character.
  • At both elementary and secondary schools, personal digital devices can be used during class time to enhance learning at the direction of the classroom teacher.  These devices should be used in a way that is respectful of other’s learning and does not distract others in terms of light, sound, or by other means.
  • At elementary schools, it is expected that personal digital devices are to be put away during non-class time such as recess and lunch.   Exceptions to this are for students who need digital devices for medical or health reasons, translation, accessibility, or other student-specific reasons.
  • Personal Digital Devices should not be used during lock down procedures or drills.  The use of personal digital devices during this time may impact the emergency safety response.
  • Surrey School District staff and students should not be recorded, visually or audibly, for any reason without their prior consent.
  • The Surrey School District is not responsible for lost, missing, or damaged personal digital devices that students choose to bring to school.


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