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Our School

Welcome to Kirkbride Elementary.

SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT                                                                

The staff of Kirkbride Elementary School is committed to fostering positive, supportive relationships between students, parents and school personnel.


Kirkbride Elementary School is an allergy aware school.  This means that we have students that have a serious allergy to peanuts and products containing nuts, sesame seeds, etc.  For these students a plan for prevention and response must be in place.             

Because of the severe allergic reactions, Kirkbride students and families are asked not to bring or send peanut or products containing nut or sesame seed substances, to school. As a precaution, check ingredient labels.  Classroom teachers or other supervisory staff need to be aware of any accidental presence of these products.           

Our staff is aware of the precautions and first aid required.  Parents and children are to contact a staff member if there is a need for assistance.

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