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Student Fee Schedule



Guildford Park Secondary School Fees and Optional Enhancements to Programs 2024-2025

Basic student fee                                                                                                        $25.00                                       

Optional enhancements and extracurricular activities:


Athletics (one-time fee per school year)                                                                         $60.00

(Additional fees vary depending on team cost)                                                              


Art Sketchbook                                                                                                                     $10.00


First Aid Certificate                                                                                                              $5.00


Food Safe Workbook & Certificate                                                                                   $23.00


Deposit for graphing calculator   (fully refundable upon return)                              $100.00


Graduation Ceremony (Grade 12 students only)                                                         $45.00


Yearbook                                                                                                                             $15.00



Guildford Park Secondary School and Surrey School District #36 maintain that no student should be excluded from an educational activity due to financial hardship or an inability to pay a fee. 

If you are unable to pay a fee, please confidentially contact your child’s Vice-Principal or Counsellor. 


1. Basic student fee includes App ($5), Locks ($3), Student Activity ($10), and Athletics/Intramurals ($7).

2.   Students pay a one-time athletic fee of [$60] per school year and the student can play as many sports as they like. Coaches will notify students when this fee is due. Additional fees vary depending on team cost (number of tournaments, etc.)

3.   For more information on fees and enhancements please go to the surrey school district website at and click on “About Us” and then “Policies and Regulations.”  More information and clarification can be found in policy #9802 and #9802.1.            

GP School Fee Schedule 2024-2025.pdf

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