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Code of Conduct

Colebrook Elementary School




Purpose: Our Code of Conduct is designed to provide guidelines for appropriate student behaviour while under the jurisdiction of the school or at any school-sponsored function.

Rational: At Colebrook, we believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe, caring and orderly school environment.  We also believe that every student wishes to be a successful learner. Students play a critical role in contributing to this environment and ultimately their own success and safety. Our expectations are that students will maintain an attitude that is cooperative, courteous and respectful.


Our Code of Conduct applies to acceptable and unacceptable behavior while at school, attending school related activities (both on and off the school grounds) or in any other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school environment. Expectations of students will increase as they mature.

Each student has the right to:

  • be treated with respect and dignity at school  
  • pursue education without undue interference to the learning situation
  • attend school in an emotionally safe environment
  • attend school in a physically safe environment
  • choose to participate in extra curricular activities outside the classroom and allow others to do the same
  • be disciplined in a manner that enables them to develop appropriate social behaviours corresponding to their stage of development
  • receive support from staff members, including the school counselor

Our code of conduct is based on four areas:

  1. Safety
  2. Respect for self
  3. Respect for others
  4. Respect for school property
  5. Respect for the environment

It is important to note that the acceptable and unacceptable behaviours that follow are not all inclusive lists.

Acceptable Behaviour:

1. Safety 

  • learn and follow school safety rules
  • walk calmly on the right side of the hallways
  • stay in designated areas of the school grounds
  • report unsafe or dangerous situations to staff
  • act in a manner at school, and when travelling to and from school, which does not endanger the safety, health and well-being of self or others
  • refrain from behaviour that could cause injury
  • have permission to be inside the school during outside play times
  • use the classroom door for exiting or entering the classroom
  • remain seated during the lunch eating time
  • clear desk tops and floor of personal items at the end of the day
  • stay clear of the bike racks unless dropping off or picking up bikes
  • walk bikes and scooters on the school grounds
  • focus on active play during recess and lunch hour
  • use sidewalks, crosswalks and designated pedestrian areas
  • remove hats inside the school building
  • refrain from bringing or chewing gum
  • keep the school grounds tidy and free of litter
  • refrain from taking food wrappers outside
  • retain the use of the front door for parents and visitors

2.  Respect For Self 

  • caring about your learning, your safety and yourself
  • always do your best
  • make good choices and decisions
  • be on time and ready for work
  • do your homework and use your planner
  • treat yourself with dignity and respect
  • become actively and productively involved in your own learning
  • dress in a manner that is deemed appropriate for a school/work   
  • environment
  • have a positive attitude and use positive language

3.  Respect For Others 

  • considerate of others' feelings, properties and their right to learn
  • be polite and wait your turn
  • treat others with dignity and respect
  • use good listening skills
  • take responsibility for your actions by being honest and telling the truth
  • act in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others
  •  develop problem solving strategies appropriate to your age
  • use personal electronic devices for learning and demonstration of your learning only; save your social communications for outside of school time
  • do not publish the photos of any school member (staff or student) on any internet site

4.  Respect For Property 

  • caring about your school and your environment
  • clean up after yourself and keep the grounds litter free take good care of materials 
  • ask before borrowing
  • look after school property and keep classrooms orderly
  • use your 3 R's – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • pay for lost or damaged school books or materials
  • use buildings, furnishings, supplies and equipment with care

Unacceptable Behaviour:

Inappropriate behaviours can consist of, but are not limited to: 

  • rudeness, swearing (face to face and online)
  • fighting (or play fighting) (hitting, kicking etc.)
  • lack of respect for others: teasing, name calling, threatening etc. face to face and online)
  • throwing objects (rocks, sticks, pinecones, snowballs, etc.)
  • defiant behaviour, insolence
  • stealing, lying or cheating
  • damage of school property, books, equipment or materials
  • unauthorized leaving of the school grounds
  • littering
  • exclusion
  • intolerance, discrimination
  • other misuse of technology
  • retribution against a person who has reported incident



  • Bullying (including cyber-bullying)
  • Harassment, threat, intimidation and marginalization
  • Violence in any form
  • Abuse in any form (verbal, physical, sexual)
  • Intolerance and discrimination in any form, i.e. based on an individual or group's race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, or age.
  • Retribution against a person who has reported incidents


  • Intoxicating or banned substances (including alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vapes and drugs)
  • Theft and vandalism (or damage to personal property)
  • Weapons or replica (toy) weapons (including laser pointers); explosives (including fireworks) and pepper or other obnoxious sprays.
  • Intruders or trespassers (all visitors must first report to the office)
  • Inappropriate clothing or unacceptable slogans imprinted on clothing


These items are defined as any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or to access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, laptop, or smartwatch.  These devices are important tools which can be used to enhance learning and prepare children for the world in which they will work and live.  Personal digital devices provide support for children who rely on these tools to access learning through services such as translation, adaptations for Individual Education Plans, medical support, health needs, or to provide equity of access to resources.  The classroom teacher is responsible for the learning environment in the classroom, for guiding children to use personal digital devices appropriately, and for determining when personal digital devices should be used.

The safe and responsible use of personal digital devices is expected by all Surrey School District students, employees, volunteers, parents, guardians, and community members who are on school district property or interacting with students or staff.  This includes the following:

  • Those using personal digital devices need to abide by the school code of conduct as well as all Provincial and Federal laws and the British Columbia Human Rights Code.  This includes not using personal digital devices to engage or participate in bullying or harassment, discrimination, or defamation of character.
  • At both elementary and secondary schools, personal digital devices can be used during class time to enhance learning at the direction of the classroom teacher.  These devices should be used in a way that is respectful of other’s learning and does not distract others in terms of light, sound, or by other means.
  • At elementary schools, it is expected that personal digital devices are to be put away during non-class time such as recess and lunch.  Exceptions to this are for students who need digital devices for medical or health reasons, translation, accessibility, or other student-specific reasons.
  • Personal Digital Devices should not be used during lock down procedures or drills.  The use of personal digital devices during this time may impact the emergency safety response.
  • Surrey School District staff and students should not be recorded, visually or audibly, for any reason without their prior consent.
  • The Surrey School District is not responsible for lost, missing, or damaged personal digital devices that students choose to bring to school.


  • School computers and other electronic devices are only to be used for school/education related activities.  They are not permitted for social networking, gaming, illegal, obscene or inappropriate purposes.  Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to, attempts to vandalize, gain unauthorized access to data or another person's account or resources, and sharing of data without personal or parental consent as appropriate.
  • Recording of visual images is not permissible at school unless permission has been received by the classroom teacher with respect to a classroom project.
  • Students are to be aware that they may be subject to discipline (or, if applicable, confiscation of personal property) for misuse of any technology, if it negatively impacts the school environment.
  • Misuse of district technology services will lead to suspension of user privileges and possible disciplinary or legal action.


We believe that consequences must be applied in a firm, fair and consistent manner.  Our goal is to cultivate self-discipline in our students and foster the citizenship qualities of cooperation, courtesy and respect.  We believe that social responsibility is a learning process, which must promote both personal growth and citizenship within the student.  We believe restitution is a key element of problem solving and developing social responsibility. We encourage students to take responsibility for their mistakes and solve problems in a positive manner.

Students work collaboratively with others within a program appropriate to their age and with respect for their individual rights, responsibilities, and maturity.

Consequences will take into account the age, maturity and special needs (e.g. intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural), severity and frequency of actions.   Consequences will be progressive and will focus on being restorative rather than punitive in nature.  Depending upon these and other factors, one or more of the following actions may be taken:

  • Review of expectations and a timeout
  • Review of expectations, written assignment and/or loss of privileges
  • Documentation of incidents referred to the principal
  • Parents informed
  • Meeting with parents
  • Short-term (in-school or at home) suspensions up to 5 days
  • Long-term suspension over 5 days or referral to a district program
  • Consultation with police and/or fire department
  • Suspension/Expulsion


  • Parent/guardian/teacher of student exhibiting major behavior problem - every instance.
  • Parent/guardian/teacher of student on the receiving end of a significant incident - every instance.
  • Assistant Superintendent, Safe Schools Department and/or other District Staff as needed
  • Ministerial agencies and/or School Liaison Officer (RCMP) as needed


Student Code of Conduct Goals

Students will:

  • work towards their personal best
  • accept responsibility for their own actions and behaviour
  • treat themselves and others with dignity and respect
  • work to create a positive, safe, caring and orderly school
  • focus on the prevention of problems by communicating with parents
  • work to develop a strong and supportive relationship among all members of the school community

 General Expectations:  Most infractions of classroom or school rules are dealt with by the teacher, but may also involve other staff members or the administrator. The focus is accepting responsibility for actions by being honest, as well as providing some form of retribution (making things right or better for the younger children).


  • This Elementary Code of Conduct has been structured to align with, and adhere to the standards outlined in:
  • The School Act 85 (1.1); 168 (2) (s.1); Provincial Standards Ministerial Order 276/07 (m276/07), effective October 17, 2007.
  • BC Human Rights Code, as depicted in Surrey Schools Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Policy No.10900; and Regulation No. 10900.1
  • BC Ministry of Education: Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools, A Guide (November 2008) and Developing and Reviewing Code of Conduct: A Companion (August 2007), both found at
  • Surrey Schools – Safe and Caring School Handbook – policies, procedures and guidelines for schools found on
  • Ministerial Order No. M 208:   (a) a reference to each of the prohibited grounds of discrimination set out in section 7 (discriminatory publication) and section 8 (discrimination  in accommodation,  service and facility) of the Human Rights Code, RSBC 1996, c. 210;

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