The clubs are listed below. You will find a general description of the club, meeting times and location.
There will also be a link that provides additional detail regarding the specific club.
The Nest
An idea that was initially brought forward by students and subsequently supported and supervised by staff.
"The Nest" is a safe space where students in Grades 5-7 are able to come together to learn about
and support diversity and inclusion at Walnut Road Elementary. It started in March 2022 and continues
to operate one lunch hour per week in the Maker Space. Students bring their lunches and socialize,
connect and play games while focusing on the broad themes of diversity and inclusion.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) is an inclusive term that is relevant to all individuals
regardless of where they identify on the sexual orientation or gender identity spectrums as every person
has a sexual orientation and every person has a gender identity.
The Surrey School District's Safe and Caring Schools Policy 9410.2 Section 3.8 states:
The district encourages the formation of Gay/Straight Alliance clubs (GSAs), where students or staff
request this support. Elementary schools will encourage the development of social justice or diversity clubs
to educate against all forms of discrimination/oppression and promote the understanding and acceptance
of differences.
Hawks for Justice
Hawks for Justice is a social justice club that is open to all interested Grades 6 and 7 students as an
extracurricular activity. The purpose of the club is to create more awareness and understanding of social
justice issues within our community. Some of the activities this year may include: family movie night,
fundraisers, book clubs, collaborations with Fleetwood Park secondary school and sharing information
with fellow students.