B.A.S.E.S. stands for "Building Academic, Social, and Employment Skills." Academic, Social and Employment Skills are the three major areas of development in the Sullivan Heights B.A.S.E.S. program. It is designed for students with diverse learning needs that impede educational success. B.A.S.E.S. case managers work with students, families and other professionals to develop Individual Education Plans (I.E.P.s). The goal of the B.A.S.E.S. program at Sullivan Heights is to help each student develop appropriate life goals and to help them achieve these goals by providing them with the skills and experience to work and live as independently as possible.
Academic Skills
All B.A.S.E.S. students develop academic skills both through instruction delivered in the B.A.S.E.S. resource classrooms, and through inclusion in integrated classes throughout the school. Through adaptation and/or modification, students work on goals as outlined in their I.E.P.s. Students in a modified class work on functional literacy (reading comprehension, writing) and functional numeracy (basic numeracy skills, telling time, time management, money math).
Social Skills
At Sullivan Heights B.A.S.E.S. program, we promote and teach positive social skills. We value community and encourage students to interact with peers and adults in positive ways. Students engage in activities both within the school and out in the community to develop skills such as; effective communication, cooperation, collaboration, giving and receiving feedback, manners, leadership, empathy, active listening, reading social cues and understanding humor. Social skill development is important as it leads to better relationships, better communication and healthier and happier students.
Employment Skills and Life Skills
Students develop independence by focusing on Employment Skills and Life Skills. This is practiced through classroom activities and community-engagement. Students develop essential life skills such as cooking safely, identifying safety symbols and signs to navigate the community and learning how to use public transit. Employment skills are worked on at school through modeling work situations in school and through work experience with local businesses.
All members of the B.A.S.E.S. department work closely together and with students, their families and other teachers at Sullivan Heights to ensure that students are maximizing their personal, academic and work potential during their time at Sullivan Heights. Realistic goals are important for achieving this vision. The B.A.S.E.S. department at Sullivan Heights regularly revisits goals and strategies to ensure students are gaining relevant knowledge and important skills throughout their high school experiences.
First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Job Title |
K | Becker | | Teacher |
S | Biggar | | Teacher |
J | Flynn | | Teacher |
J | Macgregor | | Teacher/Dept Head |
C | Tait | | Teacher |
S | Wang | | Teacher |
Journey to Adulthood.pdf
PWD Application Info (1).pdf
PWD Application Steps.pdf
Applying for PWD.pdf
Pwd Document Checklist.pdf
Disability Tax Credit.pdf
Adult Services - Parent Info.pdf
BUILD Program.pdf
HandyDart Application.pdf
Leisure Access Program.pdf
Parent Permission for IEP Activities.pdf
Useful Links
- Community Living BC
- Internet Safety for Students
- KPU Employment and Community Studies
- Provincial Resource Programs
- Game Ready
- Douglas VEST Program
- WorkBC
- Back in Motion
- Empowering You - Mental Wellness Program
- STADD Navigator
- Find Support BC
- Surrey Association for Community Living
- Semiahmoo House Society
- Delta Community Living Society
- Options Community Services
- Ministry of Education - Inclusive education resources
- Student Transitions
- Steps Forward - Inclusive Post-Secondary Ed. Initiatives