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Policies & Procedures



It is the philosophy of our school to foster growth in attitudes and skills that are attributes of an educated and responsible individual in our changing society.  The staff is committed to:

  1. Developing a sense of personal worth and respect for self and others.
  2. Fostering attitudes that promote competency, mastery, and independent learning styles.
  3. Encouraging the development of each pupil's talents and abilities to the fullest.
  4. The mastery of fundamental skills and core competencies.
  5. Promoting thinking, ethical, and moral decision making skills.
  6. Developing a sense of community and citizenship by building connections among our history, our family, our community, and to each other.
  7. Fostering artistic expression and aesthetic appreciation.


All students MUST report to the office when late.

Regular attendance and being on time are two key factors in your child's school life.  Not only is this important to your child's learning, it is an important life skill. 


When children are absent from school, the continuity of their educational programs is often disrupted, resulting in gaps in learning.  It is sometimes difficult for teachers to send work home as children lack the understanding gained through teacher direction.  Please try to schedule holidays during breaks.


Sick children at school increase the likelihood that colds, flu, and other infections or viruses will spread throughout the school population.  If your child is sick please keep him/her at home until well enough to resume full school activities, including outdoor recess and physical education classes.  If your child becomes ill at school it is very important that the school have the current home, cell, work, or emergency contact phone numbers.  Students are not permitted to stay inside during breaks as supervision is not available. 


Pupils who must be away from school for periods in excess of five consecutive days because of long-term illness or accidents may qualify for a hospital/homebound teacher service.  This service is available upon referral from the school.  Please notify your child's teacher if this is an appropriate service for your child.


Be sure to call the school by 8:35 a.m. when your child will be absent from school (604-541-1613).

The program operates very simply:

  1. If your child is to be absent or late with your knowledge, please telephone the school before 8:35 a.m. 
  2. If your child is not at school for the morning or afternoon attendance checks, and we have not heard from you, our secretary will phone your home to establish the whereabouts and safety of your child.

This is a valuable program and adds to the measure of security for our children, and hopefully, increased peace of mind for parents.


For reasons of security and minimizing disruption to classroom instruction, all parents and visitors are asked to report to the office first.  Guests and parents can then sign in and receive a visitors tag. Messages, lunches and such are to be left at the office.  

Please DO NOT visit the classroom to drop off these items, check in at the front counter.  


The school telephone is not available to make social arrangements.  Students must have permission from their teacher before they will be permitted to use the classroom telephone.   

Cell phones are to be kept in backpacks and are not to be used during school hours unless directed to do so by the teacher.  Children are not permitted to use cell phones while at school.  They may phone from the office.


Messages of an important, urgent nature will be taken and passed on to students immediately.


For reasons of student safety and security, all parents or designated adults are requested to sign a child out from the office when a student leaves the school during the instructional day.  Your child will be called from the classroom to meet you at the office when you arrive.


Please make appointments when meeting with teachers.  Since teachers frequently have to complete instructional preparation before classes begin, and may have scheduled meetings or extra curricular activities after classes end, pre-arranged appointments work best for all involved.


If you have a concern regarding a school issue, please discuss it with the appropriate staff member.  If it concerns the classroom teacher, talk to that teacher first.  If the issue is not resolved, contact the Principal.  


  1. Arrange an appointment with the classroom teacher so that your concerns can be heard without distraction.
  2. Organize your thoughts before the meeting.
  3. Keep focused on the issues.
  4. Treat others with respect and expect that in return.
  5. Look at both sides of the issue and listen to everyone.
  6. Allow time before proceeding to the next step.


Each school shall adopt a dress code that attempts to balance individual liberty, social convention, functionality, community standards and school community values.  Staff and students are expected to dress in ways that are appropriate for their particular roles in the school and that show respect for themselves, for others and for the school.  In the case of student dress, there should be a partnership between student, parent and school that provides sufficient, but not excessive, guidance so students not only dress appropriately, but also learn to make good independent decisions regarding dress.

The key principles of our clothing guidelines are:

  • Safety
  • Suitability for learning environment
  • Respect for self and others

Clothing and makeup worn at school should be appropriate for a learning environment.  Specific expectations for appropriate dress include:

  • Clothing on the top must have fabric covering the front and the sides
  • Clothing must cover undergarments

Students are not permitted to wear items that have inappropriate writing, images or offensive language.  Hats, hoods, visors and sunglasses are considered outerwear and are not to be worn inside the building.  Rollershoes are a safety concern and are not to be worn inside the building.

Daily Physical Education is mandated in British Columbia.  Students are requested to have a pair of non-marking indoor athletic shoes at school at all times for gym and for indoor use. The custodian is not on duty until after school, and this change of footwear helps to maintain a clean, environment and protect our gym floor.

Unless the weather is extreme, children will be outside at recess and lunch for much needed fresh air and exercise.  Please make sure children have appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather.

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