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PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)

What is a P.A.C?

All parents are considered part of P.A.C. and are welcome and encouraged to bring their voice to the school. The B.C. Government, through the School Act, gives parents the right to assume an advisory role in every school via the P.A.C.  Through their elected executives from parents in the school, P.A.C.s communicate with their parent community gathering and discussing issues of importance regarding their school in order to adequately advise those that influence their school.
Parents' voices are a tremendous value to their school. They offer a wealth of ideas and support in the challenges that face all public schools. P.A.C.s strive to represent the diversity within their communities and contribute to the benefit of all students by: providing opportunities to educate and inform parents about the school; involving parents in volunteer activities; and openly discussing parents' concerns and aspirations for their schools.
P.A.C.s can provide parents with the opportunity to gain greater understanding of the school; give input into school-based decisions; participate in goal setting; and unify efforts of the school community towards the goal of quality education.
As a school, we really value increased parent involvement.  We hope that you will consider being part of P.A.C.


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