PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)
Our school has an active Parent Advisory Council. Their role is to provide a parent voice and perspective in school operations. Every parent or guardian is a member of the P.A.C. and they are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings.
PAC meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the Common Area. Child care and goodies are provided. Everyone is welcome!
PAC Executive for 2019/20
President: Shelley Weisser
Vice President: Kathleen Tan
Treasurer: Melissa Deckert
Fundraising: Fayeza Mohyuddin
Hot Lunches: Marie Stone
DPAC: Safa Shehadeh
- assisting with classroom reading practice
- assisting with special events
- driving for field trips
- accompanying the class on field trips
- assistance with special projects
- sharing a special talent/skill with students (music, art, dance, craft, etc.)
- sponsoring school clubs
- assisting with coaching
- helping in the library
Parents’ Rights
We believe that each parent of children attending Maple Green Elementary should:
- be recognized as the first educators of their own children
- participate in the social and academic education of their children
- visit the school throughout the year.
- participate in parent-teacher interviews.
- expect quality academic instruction.
- be regularly informed about their child’s academic and social progress
- have their views on any aspect of the curriculum and school activities taken into account by the school.
- have the school reinforce the guidance and discipline given in the home.
If for some reason, you have a concern about some facet of the school, please try to follow the Board’s policy by:
- contacting the teacher involved.
- If a settlement is not reached between the parent and the teacher, contact the principal.
- If a settlement is still not reached, contact the Area Superintendent.
- If satisfaction is still not gained after talking to the Area Superintendent, then write a letter to the chair of the School Board.