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Code of Conduct - Maddaugh's Values for THRIVING and LEARNING

At Maddaugh Elementary, our vision for learning is to promote joy, well-being and a love of learning, and to equip our learners to thrive in the modern world. To do this, all community members, staff, students, and families, work daily on the goals to "Work Hard, Be Kind, Be Your Best You". 


Maddaugh Elementary students, staff, and parents have the RIGHT: 

  • To be safe. 
  • To learn. 
  • To speak and be heard. 
  • To be valued and to be treated considerately. 

Maddaugh Elementary students, staff, and parents have the RESPONSIBILITY: 

  • To be safe at all times. 
  • To always do their personal best in learning. 
  • To listen. 
  • To respect the rights of others and speak up when someone needs help. 
  • To help solve problems. 
  • To contribute actively and positively in developing a caring, collective school culture. 

Our values for learning and thriving apply to all members of our community in classrooms, in the school building, on school grounds, and in the community.  


Inappropriate behaviour can consist of, but is not limited to: 

  • Actions that are unsafe such as running inside the school, leaving the school grounds unattended, violence of any sort, possession or use of weapons, replicas, firecrackers, or fireworks 
  • Actions that do not share care for school community members, such as the use of foul language, interfering with the teaching and learning process, rudeness, acts or threats of verbal, physical, or sexual abuse (intended or not), or theft. 
  • Actions that lead others to feel unsafe, such as acts of bullying, harassment, threats, intimidation, racism or discrimination, or retribution against a person who has reported incidents 
  • Actions that do not show care of self, such as poor school attendance, use or possession of illicit or illegal substances, including cigarettes, matches, or stolen merchandise 
  • Actions that do not show care of the school and community, including littering, or acts of vandalism 
  • Misuse of cyberspace/Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Computers – Students are responsible for the safe and responsible use of school and personal electronics as well as the use of the internet. 


It is the student’s responsibility to report to a person of trust (parents, staff members, Principal, or Vice Principal) activities related to the behaviours listed above, whether the student is a witness or a victim.  

It is the responsibility of staff members to establish and maintain trusting relationships so that students have someone they trust with serious information. 

Serious breaches of our values for thriving and learning will be communicated to parents and may be reported to School District personnel as well as external agencies such as the R.C.M.P., the Ministry of Children and Families, or others as deemed appropriate at the time to best support the student. 




Personal Digital Devices are defined as any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or to access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, laptop, or smartwatchThese devices are important tools which can be used to enhance learning and prepare children for the world in which they will work and live.  Personal digital devices provide support for children who rely on these tools to access learning through services such as translation, adaptations for Individual Education Plans, medical support, health needs, or to provide equity of access to resources.  The classroom teacher is responsible for the learning environment in the classroom, for guiding children to use personal digital devices appropriately, and for determining when personal digital devices should be used. 


The safe and responsible use of personal digital devices is expected by all Surrey School District students, employees, volunteers, parents, guardians, and community members who are on school district property or interacting with students or staff.  This includes the following: 


  • Those using personal digital devices need to abide by the school code of conduct as well as all Provincial and Federal laws and the British Columbia Human Rights Code.  This includes not using personal digital devices to engage or participate in bullying or harassment, discrimination, or defamation of character. 
  • At both elementary and secondary schools, personal digital devices can be used during class time to enhance learning at the direction of the classroom teacher.  These devices should be used in a way that is respectful of other’s learning and does not distract others in terms of light, sound, or by other means. 
  • At elementary schools, it is expected that personal digital devices are to be put away during non-class time such as recess and lunch.  Exceptions to this are for students who need digital devices for medical or health reasons, translation, accessibility, or other student-specific reasons. 
  • Personal Digital Devices should not be used during lock down procedures or drills.  The use of personal digital devices during this time may impact the emergency safety response. 
  • Surrey School District staff and students should not be recorded, visually or audibly, for any reason without their prior consent. 
  • The Surrey School District is not responsible for lost, missing, or damaged personal digital devices that students choose to bring to school.  


Students and staff are expected to dress in an appropriate manner to establish a positive learning atmosphere at an elementary school and do not detract from the learning process.   Appropriate clothing allows for active learning and is not restrictive for engaging in activities.  Clothing for school should follow these guidelines:  

  • Hats and hoodies are worn outside the school building. 
  • Undergarments must not be in sight.   
  • Clothing should be free of alcohol or drug references, or any other inappropriate wording or images. 

Maddaugh Staff will use their discretion when applying these expectations and will do so in a respectful and discreet manner. 


All students make inappropriate choices sometimes. Our goal is to use these opportunities to promote problem-solving, accountability, responsibility, and learning.  Consequences will be applied in a fair and consistent manner, and every effort is made to ensure they maintain the dignity of the student, while being progressive and appropriate to the offence.  They can include: 

  • discussion and think sheet         
  • temporary loss of privileges                 
  • restitution or duty to the school 
  • home contact                             
  • additional supports put in place 

In the case of serious or repeated issues, the following consequences may be applied:                    

  • in-school or out of school suspension                                         
  • placement in a special program  
  • expulsion                                                           •         

There are continual reviews of referrals to the office, in order to assess what structures and strategies can be put into place to support the student. During suspensions, every attempt is made to ensure that the student’s educational program continues.  Serious or repeated offence with be communicated to parents so that a team-based approach may be taken to support the student. All serious incidents will be documented and may be reported to the School District and, if deemed necessary, to the School Liaison Office.


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