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Statistics Canada


Login at school/home: No username or password needed.

Suitable for: Grades 10 to 12

Brief Description: Access to census data, employment statistics, economic information like GDP and CPI, and results from other surveys conducted by the Government of Canada.


Statistics Canada is the national statistical office. The agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada's economy, society and environment that they require to function effectively as citizens and decision makers. The website includes information on subjects like Aboriginal Peoples, agriculture, business, housing, immigration and diversity, the labour market, and travel and tourism.

- Browse information by subject by clicking on “Subjects” in the top menu.
- An interactive map of Canada is available by clicking on “Geography” in the top menu.
- Canadian Census datasets from 1991 to 2016 is available by clicking on “Find census data.”
- Data visualizations to make understanding statistics for certain topics is available by clicking on “Interact with Data.”

Statistics3.png- Interactive statistics about cannabis use in Canada can be found in the Cannabis Stats Hub.
- StatCan releases short articles in the form of blog posts under the StatCan Blog.

Click Here to access Statistics Canada.

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