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School Supply List

Kennedy Trail 2023-2024 School Supply Lists

For the upcoming school year, we have partnered with SchoolStart to provide our Kennedy Trail families the opportunity to purchase school supplies as a kit. Please read the attached document for an overview of the ordering process. Here is the link to order online:

As always, families have the option of ordering a kit, or purchasing the supplies on their own. If cost is an issue, please reach out to our office staff at


Kennedy Trail Elementary Grade 1 2023-24 school supply list

Kennedy Trail Elementary Grade 2 2023-24 school supply list

Kennedy Trail Elementary Grade 3 2023-24 school supply list

Kennedy Trail Elementary Grade 4 2023-24 school supply list

Kennedy Trail Elementary Grade 5  2023-24 school supply list

Kennedy Trail Elementary Grade 6 and 7 2023-24 school supply list

Kennedy Trail Elementary Kindergarten 2023-24 school supply list

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