Our School
- To continue the focus on improving student literacy in reading and writing across the grades
- To promote inclusion of all students (adaptations and modifications in classrooms to meet students' needs, to develop student leadership capacities and to reduce bullying incidents and increase student self-discipline and tolerance)
- To continue implementation of the three-year computer technology plans
Accomplishments and Initiatives:
- School-wide guided reading program
- Literacy focus, including inner city early literacy project, K-1 phonemic awareness program, primary poetry and intermediate public speaking festival
- Student leadership programs (student helpers, peer tutoring and spirit leaders to run PA announcements, assemblies, school spirit days and student events)
- Student-led conferences
- Anti-bullying and safe school initiatives
- Implementing computer technology plan, upgrading internet acccess capacity throughout the school and utilizing "Success Maker" to support learning of students with special needs
- K-7 music program, including K-7 singing, dance, movement and various instruments, Grades 2-7 choral, Grades 3-6 recorder and Grade 7 band
- Holly/Hjorth Community School Program - increased focus on early literacy, kindergarten readiness, adult ESL and computer skills and community development and support
- iBook Lighthouse initiative
- Surrey/UBC project - student teachers' practicum