PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)
Who is PAC?
The Parents Advisory Committee or PAC is simply a group of Harold Bishop Parents who work together to help support our children's school. By hosting and/or volunteering at school events, we try to enrich the Harold Bishop community and help provide funding to make our kids' experience at Harold Bishop great. By just having a PAC, we receive government funding that can be used for extra-curricular school activities and events. We supplement this with our own fundraising, and with input and advice from the school administration, we decide how best to spend these funds. These decisions are made by the parents who currently meet online for monthly PAC meetings.
Who can attend PAC meetings?
All Harold Bishop parents and guardians are welcome to attend and eligible to vote on PAC decisions.
How many people normally attend?
Unfortunately, our meetings have been quite small considering the size of the school. Out of the over 425 families represented at Harold Bishop, our PAC meetings usually only have 5-10 people! It would be great to have more parents attend, get to know one another, learn about upcoming school events, and help decide how to spend PAC funding to make Harold Bishop the best it can possibly be for our kids.
Am I committing to anything by attending?
No. You are welcome to attend and just be informed.
Can I get more involved if I want to?
Absolutely! There are lots of ways to help with PAC events and school activities that can fit almost any schedule.
If you are interested in getting more involved with the PAC, contact PAC at I often hear people say "I don't have the time", "I work full-time", "I'm too busy" but the overall commitment is much less than most people think, and the rewards are much greater!
As always, everyone is welcome and all parents are eligible to vote on PAC decisions. Note you must attend the meeting to vote in the selection of the Executive positions or budget decisions.