Code of Conduct
Cloverdale Learning Centre Code Of Conduct
Our school is a small secondary school that is built on a foundation of respect – respect for self, students, staff and the school. We have found the following guidelines are necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the school and the success of our students. Students need to adhere to the following expectations while under the jurisdiction of the school: traveling to and from or while at school sponsored events. Your cooperation is appreciated. If you are in violation of the code of conduct, parents/guardians will be notified.
- Conduct - students who engage in acts of violence, vandalism, discrimination, racism, or are involved with drugs, alcohol or weapons will be sent home and depending upon the severity of the incident and prior conduct, may be dismissed from this school.
- Full Attendance and punctuality is mandatory - phone if you are going to be absent. Schedule appointments whenever possible outside of your scheduled session. Unexcused sessions must be made up.
- Lates - there will be immediate consequences for late arrival. Students who are chronically late may be required to make a schedule shift.
- Language and behaviour - please use respectful language and behaviour at all times. Please do not engage in swearing, slurs against others, inappropriate hand gestures or bullying. No loitering in the washrooms.
- Academic Honesty - if a student engages in cheating, plagiarism or other improprieties, appropriate actions will be taken.
- School Attire - students are expected to wear suitable clothing. Students wearing inappropriate pictures, logos or accessories or students showing excessive skin, midriff, or undergarments will be asked to cover up or be sent home to change and will need to make up the session. Shorts & skirts – length of hem line should be at the bottom of fingertips.
- Cellular telephones / Personal Listening Devices (PLD) — these are to be used for education purposes and at teacher discretion. Failure to comply with expectations will result in loss.
- Computers - no food or drink at the computers. Not for use as a personal listening device. Use of computers for e-mail can happen outside of instructional time only. Inappropriate use of computers may result in loss of privilege.
- No trips at break - students are expected to stay on site. If you must have food at break time, please bring it or utilize the school store - operated by the Entrepreneurship program students.
- Smoking - The Province of B.C. has enacted amendments to the Tobacco Control Act, making it illegal to smoke or use tobacco or hold ignited tobacco in or on school property.