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Terry Fox Run 2024

Welcome back! As we start the 2024-2025 school year, we jump right back in to events and acknowledgements that we hope help all of our students develop some perspective and empathy, a sense of community, and pride in what we can all accomplish if we work together. 

That’s what our goal is by participating in the Terry Fox School Run every year. 

This year’s campaign, called #NoMatterWhat celebrates Terry’s determination and persistence. When running his Marathon of Hope in 1980 he faced many challenges along the way, but he kept going – no matter the obstacles, no matter the journey, no matter the odds - NO MATTER WHAT. We know that schools coast to coast to coast will carry on his legacy to raise funds for cancer research and display their amazing “NoMatterWhat” efforts for this year’s Run. 
Your School’s Online Fundraising Details:
Ecole Salish Secondary: 

This year Salish will be participating in the school run on September 20, and the nation-wide community run date is September 15th. If each student donates $2 (that’s a Toonie for Terry) then we would bring in over $3000 for the Terry Fox Foundation. If families donate over $25 you will receive a tax receipt for your records so please consider giving what you can to this worthy Canadian charity. 

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